245 What in the hell is this shit? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by KimJung-Un 2 years ago by KimJung-Un +246 / -1 71 comments download share 71 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It literally says WEF police on the badge? GTFO
We can realize its police by the fucking uniform....nonsense shills
If you don't want to understand... why should I insist? Be happy in your world.
Very happy in my world. Your comments seem false so im calling them out.
Based on what? I guess you did not check out the links I provided, right? Too much work? Shouldn't we being DIGGING?
I commented to your links.
From your first link..
"This serves the team spirit around the annual meeting," said the spokesman, adding: "The WEF organization has no police."
So its a badge for "team spirit". Yea whatever man Im not buying that shit you and that article are selling.
Argue with a clown and you become part of the circus - good choice.
I made it easy: just follow the links for a better understanding. You will have to translate though. https://nerdswire.de/faktencheck-das-weltwirtschaftsforum-hat-keine-polizei/ https://www.gr.ch/DE/institutionen/verwaltung/djsg/kapo/aktuelles/medien/2009/Seiten/SavogninKantonspolizeiGraub%C3%BCndenstelltihreSpezialeinheitenvor.aspx at upper left corner you can see the actual official top badge from the pic circulating. The lower orange badge is causing a lot of misunderstanding. In fact is says: -WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM - -POLICE- -2022-
"This serves the team spirit around the annual meeting," said the spokesman, adding: "The WEF organization has no police."
So its a badge for "team spirit". Yea whatever man Im not buying that shit you and that article are selling.