posted ago by TheFuglyAmerican ago by TheFuglyAmerican +89 / -0

As sad as the loss of the children in Texas is, my first thought was I cannot wait to get home to find out all the things the DS is trying to distract us from with this latest false flag/mkultra event. I was not disappointed, either.

Boom! Last night's whispers of arrests and search warrants 100% confirmed for Arizona elections cheaters.

Boom! More tasty goodies from the Sussman trial. Clinton and Podesta guilty as hell.

Boom! One of the wealthiest French elitists arrested with several others for human trafficking, and a half dozen other charges.


Boom! More evidence of Georgia voter fraud


And all this barely scratches the surface, these things keep coming down like a waterfall, It is no small wonder the Masonic Luciferian cultists armed some damaged kid with 3K worth of riffles to dominate the news narrative.