BOOM: SUSSMAN $12.99 Flashdrives drives from Staples in DC was billed to the CLINTON CAMPAIGN.
Durham has the receipt.
🧠These people are stupid!

they couldnt even hide the purchases? how brazen.
You can't expect a lawyer to overthrow the government out of his own pocket.
He will claim he made a mistake and billed the wrong client and those were actually for something else, or that he basically didn’t want to pay for them himself so just billed a client would would likely not even notice the purchase. This won’t stick they will simply lie and get away with it.
Will it though? Facts are facts. Fact is Sussface paid for it and fact is Sussface billed Clinton for it. Based on my years of Law and Order watching…this is when they say “Objection your Honor, conjecture.”
Ahh, I see we went to the same law school.
It’s always good to meet a fellow alum.