In your face Lib!
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Thin blue line flag is meaningless to me after what happened to those kids. I’m done supporting the police force. However… If you can find me a good sheriff, I’ll support him. And ours is based
The cops from Uvalde should be charged as accomplices to the mass murder.
Then they will REALLY need to hide in the bushes. As with many others, the phrase "I was just following orders" is not going to be accepted.
The cabal/secret societies have infiltrated law enforcement. Think of Broward County and Scott Israel. There are good and bad cops, but I’m not ready to walk with the defund the police crowd.
The fuck there are. Where are the good cops? Any of them speaking up about the cowards of Uvalte?
It’s the same deal as with the cowards of Broward, with the mask police, with the summer of love, etc. The police are NOT on our side. Stop apologizing for them, to get our freedom back we will have to defeat them.
Grady Judd - solid as a rock.
Patriot first, cop second. Also one in a million.
You have your opinion, I have mine. Hope you never have to need one.
If I did they’d probably hang out outside til the deed is done.
Btw, where ARE the good cops you speak of? Why are they on the Uvalte police’s side of the thin blue line?
This Guy's your huckleberry:
I love this guy
So do I. He doesn't mince words and has in the past taken appropriate action when it comes to criminality.
Yeah they’re fucking cowards and I have zero respect for cops now. Fuck your “just following orders” if the orders are to wait outside while kids are being shot then it’s a stupid fucking order. Take charge and save lives like your job description says. Same with cops in Canada and any of them shutting down (actually) peaceful protests
A few bad cops = I’m done supporting cops!
Sounds like something a leftist would say
A good copy would turn a dirty pig in. How many of these so called good cops do you know that have actually done that ? There are many dirty cops. Many people just can't wrap their minds around the truth.
100% bad
Where are the good cops speaking out against what happened in Uvalte?
Same place they were when police were issuing mask tickets or ignoring the summer of love or killing people on 1/6: keeping their heads down so as not to jeopardize their pensions.
Fuck the police there are ZERO good ones. Once they’re gone we’ll have law and order again.
Zero lol you’re insane bro
So there are good ones arresting the bad ones? Or the “good” ones are keeping their heads down so as not to endanger their entitlement to that pension?
Faggots, all. Fire them all. The institution of professional policing doesn’t work.