Other comments are pointing out that this is false, but that it would be 86-92% voter turnout. I think voter turnout above 50% is considered high.
No matter what, flip this meme on its head to convert democrats/leftists. If Biden got 84 million votes, then how did Trump get 81 million votes and 92% voter turnout? The 2020 vote needs to be audited so Trump can’t cheat in 2024.
Meme is false tho. The dominion algorithms knew exactly how many votes they could steal. They wouldn't have made this big of a mistake. 168 million registered voters in 2020
Dont let facts get in the way of a good meme....you may want to verify this info sir and tighten up the quality control......
W0W!... a 92% turnout!!! Now there is a meme
As soon as I read this meme I knew it was something created by leftists to get us to share an easily provably false meme in order to make us look dumb
168.31 registered voters in 2020. Meme is false.
It's still like a 100% turnout. How's that work?
Simple math. So difficult to explain to the sheep 🐑.
Well they stopped teaching math so... [/sarcasm]
common core what do you expect??
Maybe not 100% kosher but biden still stole 2020 from president Trump.
Dems can't follow the science or the math.
Other comments are pointing out that this is false, but that it would be 86-92% voter turnout. I think voter turnout above 50% is considered high.
No matter what, flip this meme on its head to convert democrats/leftists. If Biden got 84 million votes, then how did Trump get 81 million votes and 92% voter turnout? The 2020 vote needs to be audited so Trump can’t cheat in 2024.
That's great and all. But our goal isn't just the Truth. Truth without consequences is the problem. It always has been.
Trump got over a hundred million votes
Prove me wrong
Is there any way to check if there were more votes than registered voters by STATE? Not nationally? That might show up some anomalies?
I’m Aussie so not sure how to go about it but a usa pede might check it out for us?
yeah, the math adds up at least...
I think we concluded they cheated.
You can't beat mathematics.
Meme is false tho. The dominion algorithms knew exactly how many votes they could steal. They wouldn't have made this big of a mistake. 168 million registered voters in 2020