When hearing about Sussman, just remember...
✅ - TRUTH - ✅
Sun Tsu's Art of War
Step 1 - Engage target in a battle that doesnt matter
Step 2 - Loose battle but only just.
Step 3 - Enemy believes they are winning (We are here)
Step 4 - Begin Endgame of the real battle and win
Exactly. Look who Sussmann was dealing with. Are we going to make the direction of all future events spawn from "You didn't choose to die instead of lying to the FBI for your client"?
No. This should not be the deciding case. But, having seen how Durham works in court, imagine what he's going to do to the others.
What? He was entirely unimpressive in court. The Government has a 99.96% conviction rate in criminal trials. He just missed a layup. What’s he going to do to the others, exactly? Acquit them more?
I know this sounds doomish, really not my intent. I just think we are all trying to do this incredibly difficult and complicated work of understanding Q and the plan, we have to admit that it’s ok we were wrong sometimes and sometimes a rabbit hole is just a dead end. We’re not perfect. However, I think it would be far more productive to learn from this and conduct a post-Mortem on what we got wrong in our processing and analysis, so that we will be better when investigating other events.