Not quite. And be of good cheer. We will prevail. This only shows how corrupt Washington DC is. No one believes every single battle of warfare is won. Each defeat is a setback to learning. This court ruling has opened more eyes and tells us the justice system is very corrupt, especially in Washington DC. I don't believe Durham is done, but will pivot off from this to indict other conspirators. Sussman may have survived this, but there's far more to come.
That is a childish liberal/communist wish. There are 120 million honest armed Americans and half will never disarm. Who will disarm 60 MILLION patriots? NO ONE. My guess is, once the shooting starts it will never stop.
We will NOT.
Military is the only way
Biden's military? Is this the military that bailed on Afghanistan? Or the military hiring transgendered strippers?
Not quite. And be of good cheer. We will prevail. This only shows how corrupt Washington DC is. No one believes every single battle of warfare is won. Each defeat is a setback to learning. This court ruling has opened more eyes and tells us the justice system is very corrupt, especially in Washington DC. I don't believe Durham is done, but will pivot off from this to indict other conspirators. Sussman may have survived this, but there's far more to come.
Wrong, you weren’t paying attention. We have evidence now from court we couldnt get from hillary directly. Now we use that for the next indictment
Bullshit. They couldn’t convict one croney lawyer and you think anything will happen to Killary? 🤣
Yes, she will be indicted eventually
From your lips to God’s ears, but I doubt it.
Have faith and poise patriot. The enemy feeds on defeatism and doom
Pissweak doomer has no poise.
That is a childish liberal/communist wish. There are 120 million honest armed Americans and half will never disarm. Who will disarm 60 MILLION patriots? NO ONE. My guess is, once the shooting starts it will never stop.
We will not....and Tiananmin square FFS.
shot people
nothing to see here
Shit post as opposed to a Shitpost
Edit:- Doomy bastard.