Tell Paul Sperry to cover a real story - Racine, Wisconsin.
Hillary knows all about Racine. The Podestas got their big break into art and politics there.
Most don’t know that the reason Art in Embassies gained credibility is also due to Racine. NPR was conceived in Racine. Sustainable Racine is the model used to create Agenda 21. Racine is also the model pivot district used to rig elections. 2020 was not the first.
Perjury charges are a joke.
Tell Paul Sperry to cover a real story - Racine, Wisconsin.
Hillary knows all about Racine. The Podestas got their big break into art and politics there.
Most don’t know that the reason Art in Embassies gained credibility is also due to Racine. NPR was conceived in Racine. Sustainable Racine is the model used to create Agenda 21. Racine is also the model pivot district used to rig elections. 2020 was not the first.
Wasn’t the art in embassies program used to smuggle kids all over the world?
Johnson and Case collections from Racine are what gave the Art in Embassies program its credibility.
They can transport anything they want in the diplomatic containers.
It was also used as cover for spy programs and corrupt deals.
Why would they want to spy in embassies?
What are the secrets of the hotel industry that Cornell is an international leader in?
The Johnsons are closely connected.
Thanks for the crumbs…look forward to your posts.