I have been divinely guided and asked to come here one last time to give you all the following message:
PLEASE. For your own sakes. Choose LOVE.
All of this anger, all of this hatred, all of this vitriol that you are (seemingly) putting out and projecting outwards towards "others", do you know where it all actually goes? It goes right back into your very own energy fields and auras and stays there. And energy and intention being alive on their own merit, follow the like attracts like formula and attract like things. Ever wonder what energies are similar to negativity and hatred? More negativity, more hatred, more cruelty, more vengeance, more doom, more disease, more disaster, more and more and more darkness.
What you put out is what you get back.
Such is LAW.
Humanity has taken the "go at war with tHe OtHeR" approach for eons. We've served ruthless warmongers for millennia. We've chosen violence and killings over dialogues and discussions for ages.
And yet, here we are, back to square one, redoing the same old basics over and over and over again like some kinda Groundhog Day.
So PLEASE, I implore you all from the very bottom of my heart, please, please STOP (projecting out all of this hatred, rage and vengeance.) All of these "enemies" you are busy hating on and busy demanding vengeance and killshots for -- and it does not matter what label you give them -- be it Homosexual, Commie, Libtard, Mexican, whatever; it does not matter. Forgive them. Move past the hate. Move beyond the violence that you are doing, not to anything outside of you, but to yourself.
Choose kindness. Choose forgiveness. Choose LOVE.
I totally get it that this makes me heavily dislikeable. I'm going to get shit on. My head will be wanted on a plate. But I care not.
Understand that I only and ONLY speak this from the very bottom of my heart. Also understand that your Jesus, your Buddha, your Moses; if these ones were here today, they'd say the exact same words to you. Hell, they'd probably get crucified right again for it too. The usual.
One day, you too will run into the One Infinite Creator. And the One Infinite Creator will only ask you the following simple question: "How well did you LOVE?"
And if you doubt my words at all, click here to go read ANY THREE randomly selected Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and see what comes of it.
You guys are a massive group. A force to reckon with. Even a teensy-weensy amount of you re-viewing your ways as a result of this makes this entire effort of writing this post more than worth it.
Even a TINY amount of you all choosing LOVE, KINDNESS, COMPASSION, ACCEPTANCE and FORGIVENESS makes an UNBELIEVABLY POWERFUL change and IMPACT upon the entire PLANET at large.
And yes, I would have (and have indeed) said the exact thing to the liberals and the lefties and the commies as well. Unfortunately, they just straight up banned me for my efforts.
Very well. Their loss.
Karma won't forget their names (or actions) either.
Always catches up with one and all, that bitch.
And speaking of Karma, here's yet another reason as to why you shouldn't bother outwardly projecting out all of that anger and vitriol and calling for heads to be served on a platter and everything. Because regardless of what you wish for (or do not wish for), divine laws aka Karmic Laws will anyways deal what can only be called divine justice in either case. And thus, your inputs (or the lack of them) affect such justice proceedings not.
To forgive DOES NOT mean to stand by and do NOTHING. To love DOES NOT mean to stand by and let some psycho eat your babies.
But protecting, securing and defending one's own is one thing, and projecting out vengeance, hatred, rage, and all types of negativity outwards all day long is yet another. Everyone's a grown adult here. And so we all know the difference (of night and day) between those two things.
So PLEASE, I once again implore you all, re consider.
Rethink your stance towards the world.
Relook at what you're wishing on your "enemies."
Reconsider what you're putting out, and why you're putting it out.
Hear my heart-felt calling to you. I do not lie to you.
Hear my words from your heart, I DO NOT LIE to you.
I stand to gain absolutely nothing from this personally.
I do not write you a cheque that you can't cash.
Read with your heart for once, not with your mind or your ego.
Read with your heart for once, NOT with your mind or your ego.
Read with your HEART for once, NOT with your Mind or your Ego.
Hear my heartfelt pleas.
Hear my heartfelt pleas.
Hear my heartfelt pleas.
I ask you nothing more.
(...for such a communication may never come your way ever again)
Where We Go ONE, We Go ALL.
That isn’t what Don is saying. He is saying stop with the negativity, name calling and overall low vibration stuff. We’ll get to the goal much much faster if we raise our vibrations as high as we can. Have compassion for your friends and acquaintances who are brainwashed. You were too once. Alphabet people, liberals, non-white people are NOT the enemy. They want us hating and fighting among ourselves. Just stop.
The short version is love the sinner, hate the sin.
The people are those we should love, their actions when evil, should not be loved. Many, many people have a difficult time with this concept and aren't ready to even conceptualize the separation, much less act on it.
Yes. Having compassion for someone is not equivalent to condoning their actions.
I agree...peace be with you all. Support each other.
"When one falls, lift them up"
Da fuq is high vibrations, seriously?!
I can’t stand New Age trash, not merely because it is actual trash, but because it does exactly what Satan wants, it takes people who might be convinced to join the Gospel cause, and sets them on a path of ideological confusion and fallacy. If you see visions, god proclaiming to you a new message, maybe consider what God has actually said, test every spirit to see whether or not it aligns with the True and Living Word of God, infallible and complete.
Anyways, the 3 letter agencies may not be your enemy, but they certainly view you that way, and will have ZERO problem wiping you off the face of the earth. So if you want to be completely unprepared as you are struck down, be my guest, the rest (and bulk) of us will do the heavy lifting.
Since you asked...
The feelings you have when you smell a flower, see a rainbow or a sunset, hug a child, sing a song; those are “high vibrations.”
The feelings you get when you plot revenge, want to strike out; those are “low vibrations.”
If you choose to live in the jungle and fight, you are merely perpetuating the war; playing their game by their rules. This will not get us out of this mess but will only mire us further into the quicksand (which is what they want).
Leave vengeance to God (as he commanded, after all).
Those are endorphins and lack of serotonin and other various chemical reactions in our bodies. Science explains that pretty simply. The connection between the body and soul and why those interactions cause those feelings to occur, those chemical reactions to happen is the mystery. Most easy way to solve this is the Bible’s description of mankind and his state of mind. God breathed in the Breath of Life into man, a different kind of breathe than what the animals have. This is why animals, while they can be trained to use tools, do not create tools. This is why man, the most pathetic of all creatures, in physical aspects, are stronger survivors than any other creature in existence. It is not intelligence, there are idiots who seem to live perfectly long “normal” lives. We have a soul. You are not “separated” from your soul, your soul is not perfect, while your body is faulty. No, the soul and the body together are sinful, full of err. Perpetuating new age lies assaults the Gospel, what Jesus did on the cross for sinners, it’s a slap in the face to God, because it raises mankind up to a level of essentially godhood, higher than where God made us, it is a form of idolatry. The sin of making gods and idols is man’s chief sin. It fully encompasses every other sin. If you steal, it is because you believe God hasn’t given you what you deserve, and you have placed God below you, you have judged God. Apply to commandments 3-10.
You are conflating 2 ideas into 1 idea with your final sentence. If we follow your advice, to its logical end, we will submit to the government, even when it is breaking its own laws, even when it no longer is serving the people it exists for, all in the name of peace and “high vibrations.” Instead, consider when God says not to judge, he speaks of heaven or hell judgments, because the next words out of his mouth are to judge people, to not throw pearls to pigs, that’s judging. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. This is not a command to not let countries defend themselves against enemies. If we clean up the USA, the USA should not go war with everyone who was involved with wronging us. There’s certainly aspects of that which need to happen, as we are fighting a world-wide cabal, but only to that extent. Your personal enemies is more contextual, do not kill your neighbor, because maybe they manslaughtered (accidentally) one of your family members.
God calls us to obey our government. If you understand the constitution and the founding fathers (via federalist papers, etc.), then you should understand that we are being represented by gov’t officials, but We the People hold the power. So when the gov’t conspires against you, it is not good nor lawful, but it is Satan perpetrating his evil against this country’s members. In doing this, Satan drives division among those within the country, so that he can take advantage of different groups to ensure there is no good unity. Consider Christians in TV shows, it is never ever portrayed in a positive light. They are always portrayed as crazy people.
If you don’t believe in the Christian God, there’s really no point in hoping for the great awakening. If you believe in relativism or some atheistic, self aggrandizing belief, this forum should not be for you. The very idea that non-believing people can have hope in the great awakening perplexes me, what is the point? If this life is all you have, or some continual re-incarnation, and we’re all just accidents in the grand scheme of things, who TF cares about the great awakening. However, if you believe in a saving God who loves us and cares for us, then there is purpose. We ought to seek to mirror his promise to us within this country. God proclaims freedom, so should we. God proclaims his sacrifice on the cross and forgiveness of sins, which we should proclaim that too. The picture of Jesus and his marriage to the church is what the nation should promote from within. Marriages are direct mirrors of what God is doing for the church and Christ. This world is full of sin and strife, marriages do not last, our promises do not last, our ability to proclaim the good news on our own, doesn’t last. Our freedom will not last forever either. We are at a turning point in this country, we can cling to God, and embrace his freedom, his good news, or we can ignore God and fall into despair. This may sound harsh, this may not click with many on this board. But it is the truth we must proclaim, those who believe. It is my hope coming from an awakening, not just freedom increasing, but godliness as well.
How many countries in human history have become like the United States, before the existence of the United States?
Why throughout human history has no country ever been founded on the basis of freedom first?
Is this a new thought that magically popped up in someone’s head, or was it a methodical movement of history in which certain events had to take place before this country, the great American experiment could begin?
Why did we have to have the Greek and Roman thinkers, mixed with the ideas of the reformation before this country came to be, and the spread of freedom following suit?
Is it all an accident or a long series of convenient coincidences? I think not.
Whenever I see a person wearing a mask, my first thought is "faggot" "sheep" "retard".
I know our thoughts matter, but seeing something for what it is also seems right.
Yeah, that’s where I wanna go too. “Brainwashed” is a bit kinder. Trying to take the high road as much as possible.
Very well said. For indeed, such is the very crux of my message. In the process of hating on our perceived "enemies", we ourselves are ending up becoming our very greatest enemies without even realizing such.
I'm just doing my level best on here to prevent many on here from encountering a tragedy of their own making here. That is all.