What about recovering alcoholics, or when the drug addiction hits bottom and realizes what they've done? This attitude is basically, "screw em! Let em burn!"
Recovering alcoholics and addicts are given compassion, and a second chance. Why not these people?
Drug pushers? Yeah, dump in a hole, victims? Not so much man.
I have sympathy for the people you mentioned, BUT I have no sympathy for the people who have influenced these people. God will have mercy on these tortured human beings, but NOT the parents, teachers, counselors & doctors.......Vengeance is HIS.
This isn't someone who is pushing. This is one who has a mental illness and was conned into mutilating themselves, and is seeing the horror their life has become. If they're still pushing for it for others, yeah, I'd agree with you.
This is not the case here. You are throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
You may have been downvoted but you're right. We don't really know this person either way. For all we know they could have very well participated in and pushed the trans agenda for years and even convinced some acquaintance to go through with it. Maybe they're a victim, maybe they're getting their just deserts but either way it's not my fight.
Seems to me like this person is simply facing the consequences of poor decision-making.
What about recovering alcoholics, or when the drug addiction hits bottom and realizes what they've done? This attitude is basically, "screw em! Let em burn!"
Recovering alcoholics and addicts are given compassion, and a second chance. Why not these people?
Drug pushers? Yeah, dump in a hole, victims? Not so much man.
I have sympathy for the people you mentioned, BUT I have no sympathy for the people who have influenced these people. God will have mercy on these tortured human beings, but NOT the parents, teachers, counselors & doctors.......Vengeance is HIS.
This isn't someone who is pushing. This is one who has a mental illness and was conned into mutilating themselves, and is seeing the horror their life has become. If they're still pushing for it for others, yeah, I'd agree with you.
This is not the case here. You are throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
You may have been downvoted but you're right. We don't really know this person either way. For all we know they could have very well participated in and pushed the trans agenda for years and even convinced some acquaintance to go through with it. Maybe they're a victim, maybe they're getting their just deserts but either way it's not my fight.
Seems to me like this person is simply facing the consequences of poor decision-making.
Ignorance can be corrected with repentance. Malice as well with a change of heart and repentance which includes making amends