Let me preface this with:
- I am female
- I never was confused about my sex or gender
- I don't have children, but would like to one day.
- I have friends who are trans, I have a family member who has transitioned (in their adult life.)
This. Is. Painful to watch. Don't get me wrong, Matt and Daily Wire did a phenomenal job with this documentary; the questions, the pointing out of the history, the inconsistencies between the interviewees.
But I'm half way through the movie at the time of this posting, and I keep having to pause almost every 5 minutes or so just to calm down because this is making me made and upset that there are people who are either so indoctrinated into believing what they are doing is right, or that they only care for the money that comes to pushing this evil onto children.
Adults is one thing. You'd expect an adult to take responsibility for what they choose to do to their body.
Children is a WHOLE other story... and it's sick. Evil and demonic aren't harsh enough words for what the transgenderism agenda is.
What gets me most upset is some of the interviewees having this... smile... on their face as they explain about themselves and their profession.
It's much like the 'shout your abortion' garbage. (which is being directly confronted by Created Equal). It's definitely demonic. I agree that those who would push this on children would be better off if they had a millstone tied around their necks and were tossed into the sea if they do not truly forsake and repent for their sin. As for adults, I question whether anyone under thirty has developed enough understanding of irreversible consequences to make a decision like that either.