Got to make it seem after billions in research and decades in the making, they FINALLY found the cure to cancer.
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Can you imagine how many millions of families worldwide will be furious to know they held the cures back for the sake of greed?
My family among them, each loved one WAY before their time.
Even worse? One of my childhood best friends died at 23 of colon cancer. TWENTY THREE. Her family is a part of our church community, and her parents still have the haunted look of people who’ve lost a child. That’s something you never get over. As much as I wish my friend was still here, it’ll never touch what her family feels, and that breaks my heart.
They are so evil. It is beyond words. It breaks my heart to hear the suffering. God give these parents grace and strength
World without cancer is an awesome book detailing the anti cancer benefits of B17 (World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17
B17 is found in apricot stones....hammer the stone and eat the seed inside. Start off with just two or three..can give you upset tummy...
I hope they get forced to develop it now
I notice too that this new cure is regeneron. Trump bought up all stocks of this for Americans to have as an alternative vaccine and which he keeps urging Americans to take. ..I think he was offering it free.
Not only greed but population control too
I’ve said this for years
Flat out hate.
Which is why I fully expect to never hear about this again.
Had a friend of my ex MIL die of the rectal cancer too. Sad.
It's a monoclonal antibody. Hmm - makes you wonder why the stopped using it for the scamdemic. Must have dug into the other cancer treatment profits, whoops! I meant to say protocols.
They will spread the truth about the cures IMO. You have to expose these fuckers in order for people to change and make sure they never do this shit again.
Yes but there’s a difference between curing cancer and curing injected MRNA tech. Let’s hope they can remove both from people
Oddly enough measles does the same thing. It infects cancer cells which then suddenly become visible to the immune system.
No wonder the Deep State freaked out the last time there was a measles outbreak.
Yes, im reading a lot currently about how viruses and infections can cause the cancer cells to be seen by the immune system. There’s actually a treatment where they inject tumors with bacteria but I can’t remember the name of it and it’s only available in Mexico and somewhere in Europe. I also read that there are a lot of cases that peoples cancer would just vanish after they got sick from something else, chemo and radiation seem to reverse this affect though because they weaken your immune system so much, not allowing it to do its job of killing the newly recognized cancer cells and the additional infection from something else.
They won't be able to walk down the street.
Death is too good for them but God's Justice is Eternal.