Anyone noticing that you can find info pretty easily by googling recently??
👀 EYES ON! 👀
I tried googling "Q posts" and the link to is the first result. if you google "q alerts" the top two posts take you to links for post archives.
It's easy to find "conspiracy" articles now.
People still use google?
Was using DDG but then they turned gay. Trying to get used to Bing but it looks so ugly on my phone and I'm a human in current year so that actually makes the transition kinda tough.
Brave is what I use and came recommended on telegram when we found out about DDG. It's what Codemonkey recommends anyway.
Qwant or Yandex
Yandex is pretty good. Tons of stuff there that I know was scrubbed from existence (here) years ago.
Thank you, that's the one I've seen recommended a few times but forgot the name. Gonna try that one.
That's what I've been using since DDG went gay with the frogs.
I use as long as my search terms don't contain cuss words.
For example, here's what happens if your search would likely pull up XXX rated content-
So for "Fuck Joe Biden" and other similar searches, I use or
For translation, I go to by default.
For about 99% of my searches, I use Swiss Cows. It reminds me a lot of Google before it went woke.
I use swisscows and brave. With swisscows I can’t save pics and memes though, I have to take screenshots. Is that a security thing?