Who ever raised their hand and said "We need to have two wind turbines which will generate money" should be held accountable and have their Federal Tax Refund be handed to us, the people who footed that bill.
Government could care less, it doesn't cost them personally except their taxes. I bet a lot of the money for bullshit like this gets kicked back to those who make these decisions. They more than cover their income taxes with their stolen taxpayer dollars.
We need some sort of auditing system for the fucking govt. Im not paying taxes anymore. This shit is outrageous. Sending billions to ukraine? Yea, not my fake money. Such a damn mess.
Where do I apply for a govt grant for stabilizing ocean beach erosion in Arizona?
I'd rather see our tax dollars blown here, even on some frivolous project, than given to some foreign entity.
Who ever raised their hand and said "We need to have two wind turbines which will generate money" should be held accountable and have their Federal Tax Refund be handed to us, the people who footed that bill.
Government could care less, it doesn't cost them personally except their taxes. I bet a lot of the money for bullshit like this gets kicked back to those who make these decisions. They more than cover their income taxes with their stolen taxpayer dollars.
We need some sort of auditing system for the fucking govt. Im not paying taxes anymore. This shit is outrageous. Sending billions to ukraine? Yea, not my fake money. Such a damn mess.
the turbine people laughed all the way to the bank.