Rant away, that’s how I feel about Ivey “winning” again. Someone here told me that Blanchard is suing Alabama because of the voting machines.
She keeps bringing up a toll bridge on I-10, do you know how many people/trucks travel along I-10? So not just tolling the bridge but building a ridiculously expensive bridge and then toll it, something like $6 each way. Tons of people who live in one county but work in another who gets paid minimum wage travel that bridge at least twice a day, can’t afford a toll. And if we get a toll on the bridge then it will cost even more for everything that truckers hall, which is everything!
Then she bought land for prisons that we already had land for. Blamed unvaxxed for any surge in c-19 for not getting the vaxx. Kept masks on kids, etc etc.
Rant away, that’s how I feel about Ivey “winning” again. Someone here told me that Blanchard is suing Alabama because of the voting machines.
She keeps bringing up a toll bridge on I-10, do you know how many people/trucks travel along I-10? So not just tolling the bridge but building a ridiculously expensive bridge and then toll it, something like $6 each way. Tons of people who live in one county but work in another who gets paid minimum wage travel that bridge at least twice a day, can’t afford a toll. And if we get a toll on the bridge then it will cost even more for everything that truckers hall, which is everything!
Then she bought land for prisons that we already had land for. Blamed unvaxxed for any surge in c-19 for not getting the vaxx. Kept masks on kids, etc etc.
Evil bitch with an ugly name
Maybe we should call her Poison Ivey instead of Memaw Ivey.