They sell stink bombs in little glass vials that are terrible. One is strong enough to clear out a whole wing of a high school. Even with all the windows and doors open It made people physically sick. I thought it would only be bad in one classroom and kind of fade away rather quickly but nope.
It is very specific, I was young and dumb at one point but I didn't intend for people to get sick. The more I think about it the more I realize it's the perfect way to shut down these sick public events.
July???? Sounds like a few buckets of horse crap might make its way onto the walkways, huh? Make sure someone keeps it out in the heat a few days before hand so the aroma can become prime.
Someone get an loud speaker that repeats, "GROSSS!!!!" over and over again. Let's just prank these fools from now on. Would hilarious, Im giggling just thinking about it. Someone DO IT!!! Cmon!
Do you know how to make stink bombs?
They sell stink bombs in little glass vials that are terrible. One is strong enough to clear out a whole wing of a high school. Even with all the windows and doors open It made people physically sick. I thought it would only be bad in one classroom and kind of fade away rather quickly but nope.
That's awfully specific.
It is very specific, I was young and dumb at one point but I didn't intend for people to get sick. The more I think about it the more I realize it's the perfect way to shut down these sick public events.
July? Tell them no. No not ever but definitely no because June has come and gone at that point..make a.fuss. protest. You're not alone
July???? Sounds like a few buckets of horse crap might make its way onto the walkways, huh? Make sure someone keeps it out in the heat a few days before hand so the aroma can become prime.
Someone get an loud speaker that repeats, "GROSSS!!!!" over and over again. Let's just prank these fools from now on. Would hilarious, Im giggling just thinking about it. Someone DO IT!!! Cmon!
They left some nice blank spaces for additions. Perhaps a not for children warning
Just came to say hi. I didn’t grow up in Watertown, but we used to cruise downtown when I was in high school. Oh, the good old days!
rock up with some AMERICAN MUCSCLE
show these fuckwits what a drag show is!
you just need some mates and enough road.