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Perhaps respect for the right to choose that lifestyle, not the lifestyle itself.
“I respect mental illness “?
Not the illness, the right to choose.
I've heard a lot of people talking about how all this open allowing of the lifestyle has led to this. Some people are just gay, what they do in their own homes...They need equal rights, let them get married...Why shouldn't we teach your kids they're trans?
I honestly have no idea what you meant, but what I expect you mean is moral relativism such as gay rights is a slippery slope which has lead to others believing they now have the right to indoctrinate other people and kids, against their wishes, into the degenerate cannanite bathhouse.
Edit: That’s some real mental gymnastics right there @ the reply thread below. The entire movement is now positioned around indoctrinating kids. Yeah, all of this is just a figment of my imagination. Yeah, it only exists in my head because “I believe it exists”. Please, I have no problem with regular gays, only the militant gays that sued the living shit out of businesses while flying the bastard flag that is quickly turning into a proxie nation symbol with exclusionary rights. The whole movement is so incredibly toxic. It should be treated as a religion at this point, and excluded the hell out of schools.
The slippery slope only exists because you stupidly believe it. The truth of the matter is most gay people are hopping off the pride bandwagon because of all the trans and pedo degeneracy. Most people are starting to see the truth and most here need to see the truth: the slippery slope is an artificial illusion pushed by those in media to divide us further and further apart. Humans do not naturally start to desire children after indulging in degeneracy... I know this because I talk to people and more or less put myself through some of the tests...
EDIT: Pedophilia is beyond degenerate.
Some of my loved ones are gay, and I have no issue with them. I do have issue with people surgically altering their physiology actually for any reason. Maybe there are things that I don't understand about feeling compelled to do that to yourself, but that is hardly the core problem. It's really all about subverting our original Divine Blueprint and corrupting Humanity, with the current target on young, impressionable and very vulnerable little Humans...our children. That is unacceptable.
I truly don't understand any parent consenting to their children being subjected to interacting with literally mentally ill people. Political correctness has made it so we dare not say anything about their absolute deviation from goodness, but fuck that! There's a meme somewhere about the things you're not allowed to criticize being the things that destroy a society (or some such). Screw all of that! We get to say no, for ourselves and our loved ones. The people who go along with and foment this shit? God help you all, because you're not going to the same place we are.
First up, you can disagree with my worldview. We can still be friends and patriots. :)
People are what they are.
God, the gods, the universe, fate, whatever, made you, and you're born the way you are. Some psychopaths are born. Some gays. Intersex people. Smart, stupid, Lazy, hyperactive, etc. I was born straight.
From then on, you become something you were not born: sociopathic, lazy, gay, smart, stupid (brain injury, lack of study), etc.
What is important is that we try to better ourselves. Be the best we can be. Rise above the animal realm. Kill our be killed, eat or be eaten? Who wants to be like the animals. They kill the ones who are different.
We can be better. We can be more. We ARE more. It's time to use our minds and our souls/spirit to full potential.
Befriend those who are different. Help those in need. Teach. Love your neighbor. Love God/the creator/the universe/that which is. Plan for the future, learn from the past, and live in the present.
Hit the nail on the head. Transgender issues are totally separate and most of the actual gay people who want to be left alone are off the loud and proud train. I know of two of them myself. We know the vocal fight stopped at marriage. Most of the vocal hardcore Christian minority doesn’t want to hear that the “slippery slope” with regard to marriage was letting the state get involved in it in the first place. Some sanctity marriage is supposed to have if I can marry a total stranger off the street today and pay less tax to boot without regard to either of our religious beliefs and desire to have kids. The "slippery slope" if you want to call it that has been the government, specifically the federal government, bloating itself into a disgusting boil that needs lanced. And that’s been happening for decades.
Don’t look back at them unless you want to turn into a pillar of salt.
While I appreciate and understand the desire to be permissive on individual freedoms, I suspect in the coming days there will be a revelation on what kind of damage this does to people. Society is more permissible about tobacco and pot smoking much more so than crack, due to the level of damage crack does to an individual and having a higher impact on society. I think this issue isn't really very well known as far as downsides and how much damage it does to people (if any). If it's revealed that it has huge societal implications, I suspect that will help draw the lines on what is permissible or not.
From a religious (Christian) perspective, I believe there are massive negative impacts to this lifestyle (both personally and societally), but respect that others do not share my values and I am in support of a fact-based judgement as far as laws go.
I am not interested in monitoring any particular groups lifestyle experiments. What I advocate for is written in the constitution. I advocate for and defend that which our constitutional republic affords us- privacy and the right to be left the fuck alone.
The way I see it, is the government shouldn’t be involved in marriage in the first place. It’s a church function.
If there’s a church somewhere that will marry you to a cow, okay, so be it.
But don’t push your views on me and I won’t remind you of your mental illness - that’s my thought.
Fully agree with you.