My Grandparents through nothing away. My Grandfather (born 1889) use to say, wait seven days before you through anything away and REMEMBER WHERE YOU THROUGH IT!
I remember using their bars of homemade soap. The small old bar was usually fused onto the new bar. Grandma saved grease and made soap with it. She cooked the most wonderful honey bread, and I would go over and get a paper sack loaf of bread.
My grandma was out in the garden every morning early picking weeds and tending to her garden.
Back before electricity was even in our town, my grandparents had electricity. My grandfather had a chicken hatchery where he ran two Kolar generators so they could also light the house. He actually developed one of the first cures for Coccidiosis that was killing lots of chickens and sold it to General Foods for next to nothing.
This! 1000 times. After 20 years taking cholesterol reducing drugs and eating a fat reducing diet, the Covid hoax taught me to forget all that shit. Now I cook a fried breakfast in dripping every morning - instead of being hungry 30 minutes later I'm full for the whole day ..... and the taste!
My Grandparents through nothing away. My Grandfather (born 1889) use to say, wait seven days before you through anything away and REMEMBER WHERE YOU THROUGH IT!
I remember using their bars of homemade soap. The small old bar was usually fused onto the new bar. Grandma saved grease and made soap with it. She cooked the most wonderful honey bread, and I would go over and get a paper sack loaf of bread.
My grandma was out in the garden every morning early picking weeds and tending to her garden.
Back before electricity was even in our town, my grandparents had electricity. My grandfather had a chicken hatchery where he ran two Kolar generators so they could also light the house. He actually developed one of the first cures for Coccidiosis that was killing lots of chickens and sold it to General Foods for next to nothing.
That is amazing, most kids these days won’t have a clue what the grease is for, it makes the best soap.
Former vegan here: bacon grease is the best stuff ever
Try to get uncured bacon without Sodium Nitrite if you're not already. Most of the stuff on the supermarket rack has chemicals in it
I saw thick sliced bacon no nitrate at $ 21.00 could not believe it ...
IMO beef grease makes the best soap.
Yes tallow is best but in a pinch bacon fat which was cheaper would do.
This! 1000 times. After 20 years taking cholesterol reducing drugs and eating a fat reducing diet, the Covid hoax taught me to forget all that shit. Now I cook a fried breakfast in dripping every morning - instead of being hungry 30 minutes later I'm full for the whole day ..... and the taste!
Welcome to the tribe.