why don’t they ever dress up as a housewife in a Far Side cartoon?
Well…..in a small town (somewhere) in Canada..there is a 40 something transvestite who looks exactly like Hazel ( with glasses) from the 50s tv show.
Biggest kicker of all….dressed up he looks exactly like his aunt.
I had to laugh at this
Well…..in a small town (somewhere) in Canada..there is a 40 something transvestite who looks exactly like Hazel ( with glasses) from the 50s tv show.
Biggest kicker of all….dressed up he looks exactly like his aunt.
It's the same as the gay lisp. Or punks in metal spiked leather. Or Christians with tattoos.
Can't help but sheep it up with the herd.
That or it is a gay demon.
All of the above
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