Powell: “Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar”
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With the bleeding the stock market and crypto has been doing over the last couple of weeks, consider the following:
Russia is the first country, since Nixon "temporarily halted" the convertibility of dollars into gold, to back their currency with gold once again (it's not a full backing, but it's better than nothing). The time of the petrodollar has come to an end
The "Meme stock" saga has taught people many things, but the most important lesson is that: you don't actually own your stocks, but an IOU. Which you then have to redeem in the Cabal-created stock exchange through a brokerage. Hence the reason for Direct Register and "taking ownership". And the old saying, "If you don't hold it, you don't own it"
The WEF wants people to "own nothing and be happy" - a key component of the Cabal plans for humanity
The US Constitution states, Article I, Section 10: "make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"
Gold and silver have a 3000 year+++ track history of being valued by societies across the globe. Value has never been worth "zero". Fiat currency (backed by "faith") can go to zero. Historically, every single fiat currency has gone to zero. The US dollar is backed by nothing
The US was using a bimetallic gold and silver standard up until 1873. Research "The Crime of 1873" for a better understanding, but after that year, we went to a gold standard. Conveniently funneling money into the hands of the elite
Gold and silver are God's money
There's a couple more points I could add, but this about covers most of the major ones. We don't know what's going to happen after The Great Awakening occurs, but I'd rather hold my wealth now and sleep soundly until that day comes to pass.
All good stuff, but don't forget the effectiveness and logic of Lincoln's Greenbacks during the Rebellion. That paper currency wasn't exactly based on anything physical, not gold or silver, and yet it worked economic wonders during the most chaotic time in our history. Why? Because the currency wad backed by the government, and people trusted that system. It still all boils down to trust. Sure, if people trust that gold and silver "works" because it's "always worked as a standard" (has it though?) then it can work, but it's not because of the physical element itself, but the psychological aspect of how a person and within a collective, view it as operating within a trusted system.
Trust. Faith in the system, whatever system might entail. No trust, no faith, makes for fear, panic, chaos.
The problem is that Cabal has been infiltrating systems, governments, groups of people to undermine them and sow distrust/chaos. And they've been doing this for hundreds of years, if not thousands. Yeah, greenbacks weren't a terrible idea for a stopgap solution, given the issues Lincoln had to deal with at the time. The issue with any faith based system (government says this piece of paper is "valuable") is that the fiat system was created by man for an intended purpose: to make the value go to it's intrinsic value, which is zero. The bill of goods is always purported with "good intentions" but we see where that road leads us to...
We start out with an honest system (gold and silver) but it becomes corrupted and subverted over time, to what we see today. So yes, bimetallic system has worked, but thanks to Cabal efforts, it is subverted by the godless, and turned into garbage.
Humanity has always valued (how much value can be argued, no doubt) gold and silver as it meets the very definition of "money". If we can't value gold/silver as a means for exchange, then we just devolve into power structures and who has the biggest monopoly on violence.
edit: I see your comment further down in response to u/rooftoptendie's question for what to "invest" into. And I absolutely agree with you 100% there. Becoming self-sustaining is a wonderful investment, which hearkens back to why the US was founded in the first place. We still need a medium of exchange and that's where gold/silver comes into play.
If we were going to be living out Mad Max, then yeah, I wouldn't be investing into anything but food, protection, and being able to be independent of the "system". But that's where Q comes in and is telling us we're not going to devolve into complete chaos and civil war.
Those Seward greenbacks were issued by the US government and not by the private fractional reserve banking system. It was this reason probably more so than any other that the assassin Wilkes Booth was commissioned to murder President Lincoln.
There you go again with that bullshit. It's pretty clear he's not making the point that the greenbacks were "sound or right", but that people foregone the idea of PM backed currency and "trusted" the government at that time and didn't learn the lessons of the president's before about preventing the establishment of central banks and government owned wealth. On the contrary, he's proving your point. And to add, yes, he's 200% correct. Before we had currency, we had TRUST. To fix the money, you have to fix people's ability to trust in each other
Those are great points. As an addendum gold has ALWAYS had good value and its value has has not really changed in over 4000 years. In Roman times, it was said an once of gold would buy a very good suit of clothes. Gold ihas shown itself as being God's currency.
Throughout history all paper denominations ended up being worthless.
100% fren, thank you. And back to your example from Roman times, a day's wage was about 1/10 of an ounce of silver or about the size of a dime. To tie that back into the bigger picture, a quote:
“Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.” ― Norm Franz
Sounds quite right. They knew.