Can't promise you'll like's basically made on acid for people on acid lol, to a sober mind they're certainly an... acquired taste...but considering the title is called "rapping for money" you might appreciate it given the topic of discussion
Immortal technique taught me more than school ever did
Ironically Revolutionary 1 and 2 were some CDs I bumped nearly daily. Jedi Mind Tricks, Atmosphere, Masta Ace - Disposable Arts...back in high-school I was neck deep in ughh
Anymore I've just become kinda blackpilled (but I try to not be) so things like music sorta lost their magic to me for awhile. To quote eyedea - "I don't fkn love music, I just use it to escape"
That's why I tend to stick with underground
Much less of the CONSUME mentality. Some rappers are just walking billboards lol
Can't promise you'll like's basically made on acid for people on acid lol, to a sober mind they're certainly an... acquired taste...but considering the title is called "rapping for money" you might appreciate it given the topic of discussion
"Hey kids this songs not for prophets (profits) like honey long walks locusts and God is"
added to playlist (; ty
i used to like ImmortalTechnique a lot
Said it before I'll say it again
Immortal technique taught me more than school ever did
Ironically Revolutionary 1 and 2 were some CDs I bumped nearly daily. Jedi Mind Tricks, Atmosphere, Masta Ace - Disposable Arts...back in high-school I was neck deep in ughh
Anymore I've just become kinda blackpilled (but I try to not be) so things like music sorta lost their magic to me for awhile. To quote eyedea - "I don't fkn love music, I just use it to escape"