CPS is crap and the local cops won't help and the judge won't even let them say they want to live with mom. Parent on drugs. Alleged Physical altercations with the teenage kids. Corrupt shit everywhere. Anyone know of help outside of CPS or a fucking cult? The system really is designed against kids. No help so far and the system is fucking the kids, yet they don't want to be taken and then trafficked next by the system. CPS has a reputation for losing kids in Florida.
Central Florida near Gainesville. Any resources greatly appreciated.
Sending this to my friend, the grandmother, it's her grandkids. Thanks!!
Sure thing, good luck!
BTW, a couple additions:
I, Jane Quincy Adams, a woman, suffered a TRESPASS against my PROPERTY by the actions of John Doe, acting as field supervisor for CPS, Jane Doe, acting as assistant child assessor for CPS, Tom Schmoe, acting as lead psychologist for CPS, etc. I DEMAND my PROPERTY be returned immediately. See addendum A [B,C, etc.] for PROPERTY description. {Addendums are picture(s) of the kid(s).
The "acting as" part is important to, because they are all "actors" legally speaking. Your claim is against the men/women, but you need to note their "roles" in their "acts" to make the claim have merit.
Also, you don't talk to the judge other than to say "the claim I've submitted is all that I have to say. If you have questions, please submit them to me in writing."
And never, never, EVER, EVER, agree to change one word in your lawsuit or agree, even verbally, to refer to the child as anything other than PROPERTY. That can be all it takes to lose. Man/Woman, Trespass, Property. Case closed.
Info passed on. Thanks!!
If they really want to learn, I suggest listening to as many of these broadcasts by Karl that you can. It takes some time and education, but this is necessary to gain the confidence that's needed to stand your ground. The judges, attorneys, social workers, CPS workers will all try to knock you off your spot every chance they get. And until one understands that they are the king/queen, and that the fictitious "state" (which doesn't really exist) isn't "all powerful", you'll be easily tricked.
There are like 500 hours of talks with Karl and various people he helped with all sorts of legal issues. The value with slogging through it all is that you slowly learn and come to embody what he calls "a lifestyle", and that you're really the boss when it comes to your own property.
Here's the first 56 episodes in one YT video. You can find the rest on Craig Lynch's channel. It's a free "LAWFUL" (not legal) education if you're willing to put forth the effort to learn and understand how deep the deception runs...
I have passed this on to the grandmother. You guys are great! Always coming through for people!!
What do you have to say regarding police? How about them saying "I've given you a lawful order?" That sounds to me as if we are their property.
Because you have unwittingly agreed to be "their" property through agreeing to all the deceptive licenses, certificates, titles, registrations, IRS forms, social security cards, etc. And by "they", I mean the feudal "lords" who run the country. The police are just carrying out their "POLICy". That's why we don't have "Peace" officers any longer. We are unwitting subjects to the feudal lord's POLICY.
Unfortunately, because the police don't know any better (and they have the guns), you shouldn't fight/argue with them...ever....unless it's a serious breach that puts you at great risk.
Until you comprehend the deception, your best bet is to stay out of their way. If you must go to court, you need to learn how to behave as a lawful man/woman and use their "legal fictions" to your advantage. And a "police officer" is one such "legal fiction".
Now keep in mind, if you cause wrong, harm or injury to another man or woman, then none of this applies. You are required under natural/common law to compensate anybody you harmed.
We're talking about "crimes against the state", aka "victimless crimes" here. The fictitious "state" cannot be "harmed". And as long as a man/woman cannot testify to you causing wrong or harm to another man or woman, then they cannot move the court in reality. But in the fictitious world of the legal system, they CAN move the court through allegations, second-hand stories, assumptions, presumptions etc. etc. The legal system allows them to "win" any time they choose.
All American people were made property in 1933 when FDR declared bankruptcy and offered up the labor and energy of the "U.S. Citizens" as collateral to the international feudal lords. His first act was to take away the people's "property" by outlawing the ownership of real money/property - gold. Next they invented the "Title" for homes and property, making you sign their legal documents as a single/joint tenant (renter). And finally they forced us to "register" our cars, by handing over the original titles (MCO/MSO) and giving us a proxy in return - a "CERTIFICATE of Title". Shortly thereafter they required marriage licenses to ensure the children of their property also became their property for the age of majority.
Property can't own property. Take a good look. You don't own anything. Your dollars are military scrip, not money. It's all their property. And they can and do change the value of their property (inflation) at will. You pay property taxes (rent) on your home. You pay "registration fees" to drive their car (property).
So yes, 99.9% of the population has unwittingly agreed to be "property" of "the state", and as far as the cops are concerned, they play right along with it as they too are the self-same "property" of the state.
I fully believe that "judges" are lesser nobility. Going with that, it's easy to make the connection between feudal lords of old and judges of today.