WTF is that? I didn't even notice that the first time I saw it earlier. There is a light (like a rocket, but not a rocket) coming in from the left of the screen. It disappears, then the lightning starts when and where it vanishes.
This is weather control fuckery comms, or maybe something even more sinister comms.
WTF is that? I didn't even notice that the first time I saw it earlier. There is a light (like a rocket, but not a rocket) coming in from the left of the screen. It disappears, then the lightning starts when and where it vanishes.
This is weather control fuckery comms, or maybe something even more sinister comms.
Could be a camera artifact, or ball lightning.
Could be a weather balloon refracting the light from Venus.
it could be an illegal alien spaceship refracting the light from uranus
top kek!
Yeah... or a miniature black hole racing thru the atmosphere at ludicrous speed.