If it were about "my body my choice" then the libs would have been against the covid/vax mandates.
It is really about sexual intercourse without consequences as in "I want to have sex without any consequences".
If it were about "my body my choice" then the libs would have been against the covid/vax mandates.
It is really about sexual intercourse without consequences as in "I want to have sex without any consequences".
Pro lifers need to lead with this more often and stick to this as the primary reason. "Muh Bible" is not reason enough and has been an excuse for people to control others NOT to purify souls.
Bring your facts and data. But also be open to discussing options to make our society more pro life which will include the scary socialism ideas...
Oh you're against socialism, then I assume you agree that all anti-trust laws need to be abolished?
Sex seems to be regarded as sinful? But didn't god give us the sexual impulses and pleasure?
You have a hand. You can use it honorably, to aid and help others, and contribute to the world, or you can use it dishonorably, to benefit yourself at the sacrifice of others, exploiting and abusing the world of which you are a part.
The hand itself is a wonderful creation. A gift to you. What you do with it will make it either a truly valuable hand, honored and fulfilling its wonderful potential for creating good, or a despicable hand, degraded and used for evil things and to the detriment of the world as a whole.
Sex was created to be the pinnacle experience bringing complete physical and spiritual union between two children of God, God's son and God's daughter, and in their unity, even divine unity with the Father.
But it was degraded, stolen and used for selfish reasons (The Garden of Eden story). And so, throughout human history, evil has had a claim on our sexual nature, and has worked ferociously through sexual deviancy to undermine God's work in our hearts.
Honorable and true sex between a husband and wife under God's true blessing is the most glorious of things.
What is the real opposite of that? Sex used for personal gratification alone, regardless of the consequences, or much worse. Rape. Or sex used to entrap and ensnare and control someone. Blackmail. Or used against an inappropriate object, like a child, or animal, etc.
Sex has been regarded as sinful only because our history is a history of sinful use of sex. Which is why the freest and most prosperous societies and cultures have always practice high ethical standards around sex and sexual relationships.
Coincidence that cultural marxism, culminating in the marxism we see today, the pdeo culture, the grooming, the sexual deviancy, all began to evolve at high speed starting after the 1950s? No.
Correct sexual morality is the cornerstone of a healthy, free and prosperous society.