This is not magic. This is a military operation.
Christ is the savior but this is not a miracle.
This is a carefully executed plan.
There is no magic prediction that would have given Q knowledge that all this would happen when it did.
It was planned this way.
Highly likely someone on the SC was told to make sure this happened on this day.
Like the rainbow. There are seven (God’s number) colours in the rainbow but the gay community use 6 - although as their push for transgender etc this number of colours is growing. They live in a parallel counterfeit system that runs parallel to God's system. They replace everything that is good and decent and just with the opposite. Love with lust. Truth with lies. Peace with war. Self control with being disruptive. Generosity with greed. Faithfulness with treachery......... God with satan.
The time difference is 3 years, 3 months, and 30 days; to the second.
or 3330 u/#q3330
Multiple 3’s have biblical significance as well. The number three also represents God’s trinity.
This is not magic. This is a military operation. Christ is the savior but this is not a miracle. This is a carefully executed plan. There is no magic prediction that would have given Q knowledge that all this would happen when it did. It was planned this way. Highly likely someone on the SC was told to make sure this happened on this day.
Yup. I was really expecting some stock market comms today. I guess it was a big enough day in plenty of other ways.
That's the thing. It's never what we are expecting!
They say expectations lead to disappointments. Yet I was the opposite of disappointed. I'm gonna have to have a chat with the Buddha about that one.
If you study gematria at all you’ll see that Satan also mimic's God in numbers but always falls short. 666 and 333 both very interesting on this day.
Like the rainbow. There are seven (God’s number) colours in the rainbow but the gay community use 6 - although as their push for transgender etc this number of colours is growing. They live in a parallel counterfeit system that runs parallel to God's system. They replace everything that is good and decent and just with the opposite. Love with lust. Truth with lies. Peace with war. Self control with being disruptive. Generosity with greed. Faithfulness with treachery......... God with satan.