A fetus is “basically a tumour”… wtf how can anyone believe this shit these people are the devil!!!!
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Another effort to label something as what they want it to be, as opposed to what it is.
Like a man with a mutilated penis is a woman to them
I agree. The term fetus is part of their manufactured language.
A seed and a chicken egg do not have a spirit in them that is eternal. Make no mistake every aborted fetus, having done no wrong will live forever in Heaven. As well as every other poor child who has tragically not lived to the age of accountability. God is a Just and Merciful God.
Chicken eggs are viable without the shell if you know what you are doing.
That is great, but a chicken egg still does not fall under God's " Thou shalt not kill " law.
A chicken egg is not fertilized unless it is.
Well when I was battling some of these morons on Twitter this one idiot actually said the baby doesn't have a soul until it takes it's first breath outside the womb
I wonder how he reconciles with murder the newborn after it's breathing for a week or two.
The Bible defines "soul" as consisting of mind, emotions, and will. A baby en utero will move away from a cannula seeking to abort it. Seeing that on ultrasound is what convinced Bernard Nathanson to quit aborting babies.
Babies know their mother's voice before they are born.
That fetus's heart starts beating at 5-7 weeks, which is on average 1-3 weeks after a missed period.
I don't know how they can call a baby a fetus until it's born. It has a chance of survival outside the womb at 24 weeks.
You dont get to “mic drop” yourself. Lol. That is now how that works. Whats a dumb fuck.
God formed Adam out of the dust of the earth which is less than the cells of a fetus and He breathed life into him and man became a living soul. Can anyone prove at what point God breathes life into that fetus? We are talking about an unseeable thing here, a living spirit. Is the fetus alive? Is it dead? Dead cells? Living cells? Is there room for a spirit in a fetus to dwell?
Right. And a seed that germinates is then a seedling, a living plant. So to smother it or break it in pieces destroys the plant, not the seed. The seed was just the container. A chicken egg, that is fertilized, and warmed up to the right temperature (mama hen or incubator) grows quickly into a chick embryo. It doesn't take many days for that embryo to outgrow its shell and peck its way out. If you crush or take away the warmth from the egg, the embryo inside dies. Not the egg. The egg was just the container.
Not to mention an unfertilized egg is basically a chicken period.
Nobody is claiming that menstruating or jacking off is the same as killing a baby...
I would even argue that the morning after pill is ok, but I don't really understandi t well enough. But once fertilization has taken hold it's HANDS OFF that's a new person who has rights and needs to be protected from vile pieces of shit.
I personally don't see issues with the morning after pill, either. It starts a woman's period so that a fertilized egg cannot stick. They don't know how often eggs do not stick naturally anyways. They suspect it's high based on the number of known chemical pregnancies.
Since the decision, I have heard this argument numerous times in liberal corners of the internet. And they are 100% wrong.
The bible mentions "spilling seed" and how it is a sin. But at no point is it considered murdering a human life.
Correct. He thinks taking the fetus out of the womb "magically" makes it a person. If you do not take the fetus out of the womb, it is not a person. So abortions until your due date are 100 valid - because it was never a person.
Typical liberal logic.
Someone tell this soy incel that unhinged rant still ain't gonna get him laid.
Huge uptick in "male feminists" on social media since the decision. They are clearly trying to get laid.
A Tumor they you created via a very specific action and are mad about now because you feel your "Get out of this card" post-your-very-specific-tumor-creating-action is being taken from you.
Retards gonna retard.
Life begins at decision...
"Gee Honey, should we start a family..?"
It worked for me...
And a liberal is not a sane human. Mic drop
If a fetus is viable, it most certainly is a person. Whether it is inside or outside the womb is irrelevant. That would be like having this discussion:
Me: Wow, you have a large pine tree in your kitchen!
Liberal: We planted a seed in some dirt. It isn't a tree.
Me: It is clearly a tree. I am looking at it right now.
Liberal: It will only be a tree when we take it outside. Right now it is a seed.
Me: The location doesn't matter. You have a tree.
Liberal: You don't have trees inside. Trees are for outside. It will become a tree when we put it outside.
Me: I'm not living in your fantasy world.
I think the only mass of human tissue with no sentience here is this clown's brain..
An egg is not a chicken, but a fertilized egg is a chicken. A seed is a tree. A zygote is a person.
im gonna show this to my vegan friends
The same mental mechanism that causes you to cancel out or turn away from an undesirable thought (like when your brain comes up with a horrible nightmare) - is the exact same way these people govern reality on a daily basis. They've unintentionally shunned reality (what actually is and isn't, in the moment) so many times that it is now completely automatic - perpetual delusion. It's too much effort to think, so they just automatically do, think and believe whatever the herd is doing.
This is called cognitive dissonance, and it runs the psyche of those too weak to overcome adversity.