Knowing that it could kill you, and if you would have gotten pregnant why should the child be sacrificed when it was you who know the consequences from the start. You would be the one gambling your other 2 children for 2 mins of fun I vote the child lives and sacrifice the mother
Knowing that it could kill you, and if you would have gotten pregnant why should the child be sacrificed when it was you who know the consequences from the start. You would be the one gambling your other 2 children for 2 mins of fun I vote the child lives and sacrifice the mother
I took surgical steps to avoid pregnancy. If that failed I would have had an abortion as soon as I found out.
They said I also believe there has to be a cut off as to the gestational age of when it should be allowed.
Well she said she was told she would not survive another. Not that she would survive the pregnancy where she almost died. Big difference bro.