Las Vegas is F*CKED ... Running Out of Water and Electricity
🌎 Great Reset 🚱
A couple of locals have been doing videos on the alarming drop in water levels at Lake Mead. It's nothing new. It's been going on for 20 years. But now, it is at crucial levels.
Here, they show how the water level has dropped, and how the reservoir is running dry:
In this one (more recent), they show how the turbines at Hoover Dam, that generate electricity, are just about far enough out of the water that they won't be able to produce electricity anymore. That will shut down 1/3 of the electricity in Las Vegas:
Las Vegas is using about 4% of the water in Lake Mead, with the rest going to California and Arizona.
Of that 4%, only a fraction would be used for swimming pools and such.
But none of this is the issue. The issue is that the entirety of Lake Mead (the 4% for Vegas, as well as the 96% for Cali and Ariz) is WAY DOWN from where it needs to be.
That can ONLY be fixed by getting more flowing in from upstream, and that does not seem to be in the cards -- either via the drought ending anytime soon or the politicians' coming up with a solution.
The father and son doing the videos have shown the fast drop in the water level, over several videos in the past few months. Just 2-3 weeks ago, there were so many boats launching, that it took 2-4 hours waiting in line to launch a boat, and another 2-4 hours waiting in line to pull it back out again.
As of now, there are NO boats allowed to launch. That is how fast the water is dropping. The guy earlier in the 2nd video said that his boat was stranded 2 weeks ago, and the water level is already many feet down from where it was -- in just 2 weeks. As the water level gets lower and lower, the rate of drop will increase due to the base of the "bowl" getting smaller and smaller.
It is a SERIOUS problem, and those who want to ignore it are in for a rude awakening.
No apparently its not a problem its been debunked by the downvoters and google professors in here. Its all figured out, all the baddies drained a couple of reservoirs and created an artificial lack of water. Ocean desalination will save Vegas and the world. /s off 🙄