Las Vegas is F*CKED ... Running Out of Water and Electricity
🌎 Great Reset 🚱
A couple of locals have been doing videos on the alarming drop in water levels at Lake Mead. It's nothing new. It's been going on for 20 years. But now, it is at crucial levels.
Here, they show how the water level has dropped, and how the reservoir is running dry:
In this one (more recent), they show how the turbines at Hoover Dam, that generate electricity, are just about far enough out of the water that they won't be able to produce electricity anymore. That will shut down 1/3 of the electricity in Las Vegas:
It's all artificial scarcity like everything else. We have plenty of water. There have been numerous projects cancelled by eco terrorists through legislation and litigation over the past few decades that have directly lead us to this problem. It's systematic destruction of the United States. They literally just blame working class people for using too much water, when it's just them projecting their hatred for humanity and free loving Americans. Sorry a working middle class white family isn't allowed to have grass and a few trees, while the elite get golf courses in Dubai.
The town next to me has a water shortage fear porn sign. How CA doesn't have enough water. I want to post a sign next to it that says maybe the fact the last reservoir was built in 1976 and there are now 20 million more people living here is part of the problem.
I saw something a couple of weeks back where some rancher wants to donate their land to be used for a new reservoir. Environmental lobby is fighting it. It is really apparent they want the entire chocolate cake for themselves.
The cabal fears the middle class bc we are the largest.they must keep us beat down to prevent the uprising that they are all but seeing now.
"We" dont have plenty of water. That is completely ridiculous. Are you attempting to state that these historic reservoir water level lows are artificial? The water tables are affected in countless locations. What exactly are you suggesting is artifically reducing reservoir and water table levels far below sustainable levels?. Lawns, golf coarses etc are so narrow of a reference in the scope of this very serious large scale issue. And yes people watering lawns does put a fairly significant strain on the resource.
When water covers 73% of the earth, we certainly do have plenty. What we do have is a structured collapse likely added onto by a drought enhanced by weather modificafion and certainly a huge planning failure when it comes to California having desalinization plants operating right now. The problem is us letting us be run by the worst of us for the last how many ever decades
Stating water coverage of the earths surface has no relationship to local and regional access and availability to water. It does not relate to water tables nor upstream water flow, snowpack and runoff or the aggregate issues of diversions and reservoir management. 73% water covering earth has no contribution to relevance to the Colorado river drainage. Of coarse government water management is negligent. It is not the root cause or corrective action as a single area for these issues. Too many humans using too many resources, building in climates unsustainable to support existing and expanding populations coupled with regional droughts, land misuse and development resulting in recessed or near drained water tables in key locations and block selling water rights outside regional and state originations of water sources would be relevant and key to correcting. All of which is a massive undertaking. When folks turn on their tap and its a dry air pressure or tiny drip this major issue will become very real, very fast to alot of people.
Look, I get the basics of hydrology, climate, and resource distribution. The point of stating the coverage highlights the fact that we have been mismanaged for decades because there is no excuse for the sorry state of our infrastructure in the US, and specifically our water infrastructure. We still use fucking floride and chlorine for water treatment when we should have desalinization plants on the coasts putting salt mines out of business and piping pure fresh water all across the country. Don't let the current dystopian reality obscure the vision of what the world could and should be. At 73% coverage and this far a long in history and technological development, there is no excuse that clean drinking water is not readily available in the driest of deserts. We only have our corruptocrats and our lazy selves to blame for leading us to this precipice. Just like how there are water pipelines running from Lake Mead to CA and AZ, we could have had pipelines sending desalinated water from the Pacific to be stored in these reservoirs. The fact that we are not comes back to corruption and this dystopian society we find ourselves in.
On paper there is enough water in the world. That doesn't mean there is enough water in Lake Mead for Las Vegas to survive - even if they 100% cut off CA and AZ.
Saying we have plenty is like saying when the famine was decimating Ethiopia way back when there was plenty of food in the world. Sure there may have been, but not in Ethiopia at that time.
Desalinization plants won't help NV unless CA gets their asses in gear, builds plants that make enough fresh water for CA, AZ, and NV, and builds pipelines. One smelt or salamander near any pipeline path will put a stop to it anyway.
At this point about the only thing the citizens of NV can do is move to another state, and maybe short casino stocks to cover the move.
Salt water doesn't count, unless you remove the salt. That takes billions of dollars and either coal or nuke power. It also requires doing something with the salt, which is easier said than done.
This is not Saudi Arabia, where they basically have free petro to run their plants.
90% of the world's fresh water is underground, not on the surface. Problem is, the West doesn't have as much due to the climate. They do have underground aquifers, but those need to be recharged from time to time via rain, and they are in a long-term drought.
It's possible to turn the situation around, but pretty close to zero chance of that happening because everyone who is in position to do something about it is operating on false ideas of how it could be done.
So, it won't be done.
Therefore, unless there is an end to the drought, it is only a matter of time.
Not if, but when ...
So at least for the "what to do with the salt" problem: return the salt to the hollow underground salt mines and cut Mortons and other companies in to source their salt from the desalinization plants. To me, it has been our politicians who have handicapped us and desalinization plans lie in our scifi world future once we take care of those who oppress us.
Las Vegas is using about 4% of the water in Lake Mead, with the rest going to California and Arizona.
Of that 4%, only a fraction would be used for swimming pools and such.
But none of this is the issue. The issue is that the entirety of Lake Mead (the 4% for Vegas, as well as the 96% for Cali and Ariz) is WAY DOWN from where it needs to be.
That can ONLY be fixed by getting more flowing in from upstream, and that does not seem to be in the cards -- either via the drought ending anytime soon or the politicians' coming up with a solution.
The father and son doing the videos have shown the fast drop in the water level, over several videos in the past few months. Just 2-3 weeks ago, there were so many boats launching, that it took 2-4 hours waiting in line to launch a boat, and another 2-4 hours waiting in line to pull it back out again.
As of now, there are NO boats allowed to launch. That is how fast the water is dropping. The guy earlier in the 2nd video said that his boat was stranded 2 weeks ago, and the water level is already many feet down from where it was -- in just 2 weeks. As the water level gets lower and lower, the rate of drop will increase due to the base of the "bowl" getting smaller and smaller.
It is a SERIOUS problem, and those who want to ignore it are in for a rude awakening.
No apparently its not a problem its been debunked by the downvoters and google professors in here. Its all figured out, all the baddies drained a couple of reservoirs and created an artificial lack of water. Ocean desalination will save Vegas and the world. /s off 🙄
And?? 1 article specific to california with a headline stating the state is draining reservoirs. How many dams are receiving maintenance if any? Are they spring fed, stream, creek or major river drainage intakes? That write up in no way provides "proof" that water management is the root of drought consitions and historic low water levels. This issue is way more complex with layers of factors contributing to a very serious issue.
Reservoirs are not the "entire" picture for water access and in many cases are a major factor in causing drought conditions downstream.
The topic in this thread was specific to Lake Mead.