We post what we know and can prove. Military tribunals, tunnels, aliens, and whatever else fantastical is just that.. FANTASTICAL! We are here to spread truth and the truth is WE LET THIS SHIT HAPPEN AND WE HAVE TO FIX IT!! Without us, nothing changes, so get your head into reality and the fight for truth, or please at least, stop leading others away into believing we can sit back and get saved. We must do it ourselves and THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE!!! FFS! Come on people, please.
🤡🤡🤡EDIT: please feel free to attach all your open source info proving the fantastical. We will look. Q SENT US TO USE OPEN SOURCE INFO!!! This is not that hard.
🎯🎯 If you find yourself triggered by something this simple, you need to toughen up folks. Your enemies don't care. 🤣🤣🍿🍿
Point is, you post what you want and I can respect that. Others who pile on you sometimes don’t seem to respect it, and that’s ok too. Everyone has an opinion and many are here for the wrong reason.
As for anger, yes, I’m angry that shitty posts telling us what we can and can’t talk about get stickied by mods. That’s not what this movement is about. And who gives a fuck if I’m angry? It’s not really pertinent.
Making sideways comments like “you sound angry” doesn’t exactly endear you to the folks around here. You come across as a smug cunt, and nobody likes a smug cunt. If someone like Nana says they love you, you then choose to jump on their threads defending her stupidity and attacking the voice of reason. Use your fucking head and don’t let flattery cloud your judgment. You are being played.
BTW, you would be much more likable if you just stuck to facts and didn’t post “eye rolls” and that type of garbage. If that is what you are going for anyway.
I see we turning to personal insults now...OK...So, I'm a smug cunt, am I?.... Because I don't take shit from ANY of you fuckers here ...I Don't keep quiet when I'm attacked and I give as good as I get....Like I said ...I'm not fucking concerned about what anyone assumes of me...I Have some choice words to describe some of you arrogant, sanctimonious, condescending POS's....
I'm not here to be "liked"...I don't give a shit if you do or if you don't...That's not why I'm here and lastly just like you said I post what I want...Nobody tells me what to post just like I wouldn't tell anyone else what to post...
Dude, you are crying to fucking Nana about your downvotes and “fans” like the crybaby bitch that you are. You absolutely care what others think or it wouldn’t bother you enough to complain over and over like you do.
Fuck off. You are a smug cunt. A smelly twat of the highest order. You and Nana are perfect for one another.
Lmfao....If you really think that an insignificant faceless fucking Dumbass like you has any bearing on my life you're an even more sad excuse for a human being than I first imagined....Go back to your mommas basement...Fresh air and sunshine is not good for Fucking Trolls and clowns like you....
Oooh purkiss the pussy is crying again. Downdoot. 😂
You finally get power restored to your village and this is the shit you come at me with? No wonder so many people here hate you.