Despite my narcolepsy hitting me hard enough to start hallucinating, I somehow managed to wake up thirsty as hell to notice Q posts with the Delta proofs I asked for yesterday staring me in the face.
I suppose I woke up for a reason. Something big about to happen tonight?
So which drops are now legit? Are the ones with orig tripcode last weekend fake and these without, the real ones. Sorry, but I just woke up and am somewhat confused... :)
Despite my narcolepsy hitting me hard enough to start hallucinating, I somehow managed to wake up thirsty as hell to notice Q posts with the Delta proofs I asked for yesterday staring me in the face.
I suppose I woke up for a reason. Something big about to happen tonight?
Delta proofs, but the posts do not have Q's tripcode. Then, posts saying that Q has been locked out from his tripcode by Watkins.
Also, post downplaying RvW.
Dunno about all this. 28 hour rule. EDIT: 48 hour rule.
Read drops. Boards were compd
So which drops are now legit? Are the ones with orig tripcode last weekend fake and these without, the real ones. Sorry, but I just woke up and am somewhat confused... :)
Good point.
I appreciate the sentiment, but caffeine only makes me sleepier, oddly enough.
I'll still take it, though. I gotta work tomorrow, so I can't stay up long to ruminate.
I take my covfefe like I take my MAGA -- Ultra Dark
With some milk and cookies.