What is at stake?
Who has control?
Who was surprised?
Who will be surprised?
Use your logic.
Can emotions be used to influence decisions?
How do you control emotion?
Define 'Plant'.
How do you insert a plant?
Can emotions be used to insert a plant?
Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?
Trust the plan.
Note: Q is asking questions in order to stimulate a thinking process. Q's questions are in -Bold Italics-. (Potential) Answers indicated by "A:"
-What is at stake?-
A: The whole enchilada. The Jan 6 false flag is a bulwark against the American People discovering how deep their treason goes. That bulwark falls, and the floodgates open.
-Who has control?-
A: The Patriots have control. DJT, Q Team, Devolved Military.
A: [Statement]. Indicates Cassidy.
-Who was surprised?-
A: Hmmmm. No one paying attention is surprised that the Unselect pulled a 'surprise witness' with bogus info, info that can be debunked within hours no less. So, who was surprised? Speculation the Unselect DS was surprised. As in Cassidy raised her hand, and said: "I have damning evidence on Trumpy!"
Speculation Unselected said, "Great. Let's put her up there! We need SOMETHING to distract everyone! Roe Vs Wade, etc., etc..... everything is going to shit!"
-Who will be surprised?-
A: Speculation The Unselected will be surprised (were surprised?) that 1) the evidence of the 'surprise witness' is totally bogus and easily debunked and 2) that in fact, the surprise witness was .... a plant?
-Use your logic.-
A: [Exhortation by Q to apply correct and effective thinking processes, in order to correctly decypher and understand what is going on in the situation/event being discussed.] Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir! <salutes>
-Can emotions be used to influence decisions?-
A: Yes, emotions can be used to influence decisions.
-How do you control emotion?-
A: 1) Information - true, false, partly true/false information can be used to influence emotional response, as emotions respond to conceptual constructs. 2) pressure, situational conditioning - e.g. presenting 'a massive threat' can be used to trigger fear, for example, and manipulate the desired emotional outcome. Or creating a situation where there is a desperate need, and thus, target is conditioned to respond urgently and without thinking. Or, offering something so 'juicy' that the recipient is more concerned with how it might benefit them than considering whether its true or something else is going on.
-Define 'Plant'.-
A: (Sauce: The Free Dictionary)
A person or thing put into place in order to mislead or function secretly, especially: a. A person placed in a group of spectators to influence behavior. b. A person stationed in a given location as a spy or observer. c. A misleading piece of evidence placed so as to be discovered. d. A remark or action in a play or narrative that becomes important later.
-How do you insert a plant?-
A: Many different methods might exist. One possible method is: Manipulate emotional response of target(s) by offering something tempting in a situation where great pressure is created by intense or desperate need, or by perceived massive personal gain, etc. Plant is accepted because decision making process is compromised by fear, need and desperation, or avarice and ambition.
-Can emotions be used to insert a plant?-
A: [Q is delivering a two-part pronged question. “How do you insert a plant” = question to stimulate thought direction. “Can emotions be used to insert a plant?”= question to direct reader to correct direction.] See above.
-Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?-
A: Anon Question: is Cassidy Hutchinson a plant? Is she a sacrificial pawn who agreed to go to the Jan 6 committee and offer a bogus, easily debunkable story to the Unselect Committee? Who is she? Digs on this are likely to yield important info.
EDIT: Anon (u/Serendipity8): "Cassidy worked for Meadows, Scalise and Ted Cruz, according to a bio I just read. Will try to find link".
EDIT: Alt. Is the information (story about Potus, the limo, the stranglehold, etc) the plant, offered to Hutchinson at a time when they knew she would lap it up because of her ambition?
-Trust the plan.-
A: Thank you, Q.
Possible interpretation: Is Q asking us to consider that in fact, Hutchinson is a plant inserted by the Q team in order to misdirect and subvert the Unselected Jan 6 Committee? Is it possible that, using the timing of the Supreme Court decisions, which have put incredible pressure on the DEMS, Deep State, Q team manipulated their emotional condition to have them recklessly and foolishly accept the plant of Hutchinson with a story so patently ridiculous that it will both redpill a lot more normies but also highlight the absolute illegitimacy and ludicrous nature of the Jan 6 premise as a whole, including the sham committee investigation?
Q finishing up with "Trust the Plan" feels like a confirmation that the Surprise Witness was part of Q work (aka the Plan), but that's just a feeling (that's a rather subjective interpretation)
Alternative Interpretation: Cassidy Hutchinson was a plant from the DS, into the Republican ranks, and eventually into the WH, in wait for such a time as this. However, if Hutchinson is DS plant, how does that make sense in the context of all Q's questions here? Was Hutchinson perhaps a white hat plant to the DS rank and file from way back? A sort of double agent, pretending to be DS sympathizer but in fact, inserted by the White Hats a good time back?
*Addendum: additional speculation; Q is simply messing with the DS Unselect, trolling them into thinking that Hutchinson was a plant.
Addendum (Update): By all looks and appearances, it seems that Cassidy Hutchinson is a rather sad case of someone wanting to get ahead, and then being spurned (reportedly she wanted to staff at Mar A Lago, but was rejected by DJT due to being mediocre at best) decided to become a witness to the Unselect Jan 6. (see: Bannon Interview with Joanna Miller – Former WH Senior Policy Analyst (see also: Bannon War Room discussion re: Hutchinson's testimony between Bannon, Ephshteyn, and Posobeic first 15 minutes
Is it possible that Hutchinson's emotions were manipulated and used in order to plant this lameass story in her, by the WH Deputy Chief of Staff and Head of SS, who she apparently heard this story from? Did they set her up, knowing she would likely, at the right time, spill the beans? Was she the set up? Meaning that the story was the plant, Hutchinson herself not the plant but the soil in which the plant was planted? That seems plausible given the apparently sad nature of this woman's character....
Final Edit: Jury is still out whether this or that or the other is in fact Q. This analysis done on the (unproven) premise that the drop is legit from Q, and will obviously be null and void should that eventually prove not to be the case.
-"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."-
Worth discussing.
When reading any text, and especially a Qdrop, there are a number of things one should probably take into consideration, including factual info, linked drops or information (that is, info that is linked via: allusion, direct reference, cryptic reference, etc), timing, overall context, etc.
Then, analysis based on all these elements. For example, in this drop, why would Q ask "Who has control?" Contextually, the implication is firstly that the DS does not have control, really. COntextually, the question is framed by other questions and discussion around the J6 committee, the surprise witness, Cassidy Hutchinson. Why would Q make some random allusion to whether 'the people are in control or not' in this context?
That's not really logical. Overall, its a worthwhile question, but contextually, it doesn't fit.
The context is the skirmish between the DS Dems (in the form of the J6 committee) and the White Hats. Logically, the question goes then to which of these is (really) in control.
Contextually, it doesn't seem to me to be discussing an unrelated larger question. Obviously, Logically, "Patriots in Control" does not mean the Patriots control every single thing. In any war, there is territory controlled by one side, and territory controlled by the other. If all the territory is controlled by one side, then the war is over, as you have pointed out.
Some folks took "Patriots in control" in the Q drops to mean "the Patriots control everything". I don't think that's a logical inference. But, consider a chess game. Once a player has the upper hand, he can be considered to be incontrol if he can define the moves the opponent must or will make, even though the opponent is on control of his own pieces. That's why a Chess master will capitulate when he knows, its over 5, 10, 12 moves down the road. But the DS is not a chess master. This war is for their very existence. They will not give up, ever.
The best anons I know of understand "patriots in control" to mean, the White Hats have the upper hand, are guiding or directing the situation because they are forcing the DS into situations and actions that WHs want them to do.
That overarching feature of the current war is the feature that Q is alluding to in this question "Who has control", I think.
Example: DS thinks, we'll get this woman to testify. That will help us. But WH team has already outmaneuvered them, 5 steps ahead, and know that this move will in fact hasten the DS demise, not help them in the long run. Thus, "Patriots have control".
That's how I read it, anyway.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, Uh.
This anon is waving at you from across the ditch. I live in crazy central here, (I like to refer to our CCP state as Danistan - hoping you will understand the reference. Otherwise, they named this south east corner after the Queen of England who reigned in the 1800's.)
Keep at it.
I stumbled across some red pills in 2015, and then went down other rabbit holes in 2016. Once I first listened to speeches by DJT, I could tell this guy was dimensionally and intrinsically different to ALL the establishment pollies out there.
After DJT was elected, I though, shite, I'd better find out what's going on in Oz, if there is alt-media here, etc. That's when I began looking at Oz situation, and started posting etc on Aus forums (faesbuk to start with) and learning about our alt-media.
So it was that I was primed and ready when Q came along, and then followed along behind Q since end of 2017/start of 2018.
My prime focus was on the USA during 2018 to 2020, but once Covid19 hit, I knew I had to pay more attention to home soil.
My digital soldiering went local realworld with 2021, when Dan Andrews began lifting our lockdowns.
Point is, we all had our path to the current time and reality, and I applaud your desire to make the fight home-soil focused in uncovering, exposing and analysing NZ situation. It's all important.
Looking forward to seeing more content by you as it comes along. Keep up the good work, pede.
"Discovered Q on Joe Biden's Inauguration Day" kek. Ironic, but fitting.
They thought she would never lose. They were and are that delusional. They’ve had power for centuries. Their pride makes them blind to their own precarious position. Trump was a bump in their smooth road to ultimate control worldwide. They can’t fathom that their own blunders are the unmaking of themselves. The explosions have started the syncopation of their implosion but they don’t realize it yet.