If youve been reading Q since Oct 2017, you know what I mean
Edit to clarify--what I mean is there is a Q way of speaking and this lacks it.
Ok eg this stood out immediately: Use your logic
Tell me why this is not Q like
If youve been reading Q since Oct 2017, you know what I mean
Edit to clarify--what I mean is there is a Q way of speaking and this lacks it.
Ok eg this stood out immediately: Use your logic
Tell me why this is not Q like
That is extraordinarily suspicious to me, to both avoid any answer to the obvious question while praising the guy everyone is suspicious of.
But since Watkins apparently maintained admin control of 8chan beyond that of Q, then Q had no way of enforcing this. Did Q trust, but forget to verify?
I'm sorry, but I just plain don't accept this argument.
Chans are not complicated pieces of software. They are not hard to set up. And it's not hard for any group with experience and resources to set up a secure website that protects the identity of its owners. This community believes that governments routinely set up false flags and other fronts to conceal their involvement in secret operations.
Are you really telling me that the Q Team, despite having been pulled from these same government and military officials, lacks the expertise to create a site with anonymous ownership? That our digital soldiers have to rely on the expertise of Watkins for their security?
That's... a shockingly poor assessment of the Q Team's technological capabilities, even beyond what I would suggest.
The predictions are absolutely there, but they aren't falsifiable. Which is why nobody can directly disprove Q: "disinformation is necessary" pretty much means that anything you don't like from Q World, you can toss out as probably irrelevant.
And since deltas are apparently allowed to be considered valid, then Q can say, "midterms are safe" (1197: 4/19/18), have that prediction fail, and then afterward say, "Oh, I was talking about 2022, not the 2018 election that was coming up when I made that prediction” (2620: 12/12/18).
The fact is that if you accept a prediction on the basis that it will EVENTUALLY come true, without knowing anything about HOW or WHEN it will come true, or what specific events will prove that it's happening, then you're allowed to wait literally forever for the Plan and still never be proven wrong.
I could come visit you on your deathbed in however many decades it would be, and you could still technically jab at me that I haven't proven Q's predictions wrong. It just might be operating on a 17 year delta.
Which is why Q seems to me to require faith, and I don't really like faith in my research movements.
Actually, I already made this argument for you. :)
I did answer your question, but I'll be clearer.
The media is watching you, not Q. They care about the Q community.
And due to the trip codes and such, the Q community is far more trusting of this particular variation of Q than previous returns.
The media is reporting on it because the Q people think it's news, and as this board has fondly said, you are the news now. What you think about Q's return IS news, and lots of people think he's returned. Which means lots of people think the Plan is about to kick off, which means the media is going to be interested in reporting on those people.
When I was a kid, I remember watching a doomsday cult on the news. They had sold their possessions, said goodbye to their family, and smugly told everyone else they were going to hell.
So of course the news cameras were rolling when the prophesized doomsday came and went. Everyone wanted to see the faces of the believers.
The cameras are pointed at you because the news wants to see your face when you're proven wrong, just as badly as everyone here wants to see me and people like me when I'm proven wrong.
Most generally, Q not only supported Trump's allegations of a Deep State working specifically against him and his role in fighting them, but promised an inevitable victory. Most generally.
But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what I believe about Q's posts. It matters what the Q community does with those posts. Q never talked much about COVID or the vaccine, considering how huge it a deal it became. Q never really discussed biolabs in Ukraine being the first shots in the hot war against the Cabal.
So why are people talking about these things here as if Q endorsed them?
Probably because if they ONLY stuck to the stuff Q talked about directly, then it would appear that the world quite moved on without Q. If Q never talked about COVID, then was he surprised by COVID? Was this not accounted for in the Plan?
I don't see a strong interest in exploring that theory here. But perhaps I'm wrong.
Q absolutely did allude to action in Ukraine.
He laid out a roadmap several times, with space for events yet to be announced:
Q alluded to the country of Ukraine. Which was in the news a lot when he was posting, considering that Trump's first impeachment was (in part) due to the alleged attempt to leverage Ukraine against Biden.
I'm not seeing anything here providing a concrete prediction that Ukraine was housing bioweapon labs on behalf of the US, or that Putin would be responsible in dismantling them on behalf of the White Hats. Ukraine's mere presence in the news perfectly explains why Q was talking about this at the time.
Which is kind of the point I've been making about Q. He is "just asking questions" about current events, and the implied answers are only that the narrative may not be true. Nothing else, no other predictions after those first early ones.
Any time Ukraine is in the news for the next ten years, it could conceivably be in relation to what Q was discussing here.
Any event in the past, present, or further that takes place on the 70% of this planet covered in liquid might conceivably fit the prediction of "watch the water." Why on Earth would Q waste his time saying this if it was actually supposed to prepare people for something?
What exactly is this information good for if it gives me not a single specific I can use to know what I should be looking for? I’ve been staring at the water running from my sink for two years now and still haven’t seen anything interesting.
Theories that have no provable predictive value aren't really theories, they're mythologies. I didn't see a single Q researcher here predict that Russia would be attacking biolabs in Ukraine on behalf of the Cabal before Russia’s invasion, despite these posts existing.
So can you tell me the next major international event that's going to happen, according to Q? Can you tell me which country will make headlines in October of this year, with all the Q posts you have at your disposal?
The difference between a scientific theory and a faith-based one is predictive capability and falsifiability (which are related). Anyone can make up a narrative AFTER the event has already occurred; this is how literally all mythology works.
That's all Q ever was. A bunch of questions which got people thinking actively about what was going on in THEIR government.
No. I can't. I can only speculate.
Q trained us by questioning us selectively on particular topics that are uncommon so that we are more familiar with them when they DO come up in the social ecosphere.
Q posts aren't predictions into the far future. That's a mistake many, including me, continually make. These last 2 years has shown us Q posts have a half life of about a month. Past that, it's just regurgitation of past events like an echo coming back to the source. It's not reliable.
But that doesn't mean past posts are useless. They inform us of what happened on that day -- as a time capsule and an example of how to interpret the themes of today to form expectations of where those themes may end up.
Q's posts are training exercises. That's all they ever have been. Means by which to train the general public on the methods used in sensitive Military Intelligence and Analysis.
Q posts are a crash course in Military data analysis and awareness.
All part of a COIN intel operation to provide an outlet for domestic civilians an opportunity to resist insurgent political groups like ANTIFA and BLM, without devolving into violent Civil Conflict.
Maybe… but do you know what typically happens when I ask questions here?
I provide an answer. I am told that I am brainwashed. I provide another answer. I’m told to turn off the television. I provide another answer. I am told I am believing the lies from the Deep State. I provide another answer. I am told that I am simply an idiot too stupid to salvage.
I provide the answer that supports the notion that Trump is a genius and fighting Satanists and Q is a mastermind and that everyone who hates Trump is a pedophilic cannibal?
I hear, “FINALLY you’re starting to think like a free thinker!”
Being dismissed as “a brainwashed sheep” for literally any argument that makes Q look potentially wrong or fraudulent isn’t any more open-minded than simply telling me what to believe.
And I’m not accusing you of it directly, but I don’t think you can deny it that simply “making people think about their government” is clearly not what the Q community believes the endgame to be.
I’m not really convinced of that yet.
I’d challenge you to go into the wackiest, most ridiculous conspiracy community you can find. Really, look for the outliers among outliers. Hang out there for a bit.
If they take themselves seriously, they will also be congratulating themselves as intelligent critical thinkers in a world full of sheepish idiots. They will also be citing Legitimate Documents that seem to parallel with their definition of what constitutes critical thinking.
I’m also not convinced of that. Suggesting that Q is a counter-intelligence agent and that “disinformation is necessary” means that Q can be wrong, and supporters will write it off as disinformation.
“Huh. It appears I’ve been tricked. THAT’LL show the Cabal.”
It’s exactly the sort of fraudulent claim I would imply if I wanted to ensure that I would get the benefit of the doubt any time reality disagreed with me. Because obviously, if I’m wrong, it because I’m fighting a war and need the enemy to “expend ammo.”
No part of Sun Tzu suggests hiding the identity of your real commanders, allowing false commanders to give orders in order to “expose them”, letting the enemy conquer your country just to “awaken” your populace, and causing such a sense of confusion in your own army that even your soldiers don’t know who they’re supposed to be listening to for valid information.