If youve been reading Q since Oct 2017, you know what I mean
Edit to clarify--what I mean is there is a Q way of speaking and this lacks it.
Ok eg this stood out immediately: Use your logic
Tell me why this is not Q like
If youve been reading Q since Oct 2017, you know what I mean
Edit to clarify--what I mean is there is a Q way of speaking and this lacks it.
Ok eg this stood out immediately: Use your logic
Tell me why this is not Q like
Sorry, need to do this on mobile, so it may be a bit abbreviated, but didn’t want to abandon this without response.
Completely untrue. :) I am very convincible under falsifiable and testable circumstances. I have absolutely zero faith in Q, but am not threatened by Q, so I feel I can be more objective on it than I’m given credit for.
And I appreciate it, truly. I’m not necessarily convinced that Q’s motivations or desired results were the ones you believe, but I also don’t ask just for myself. I am hoping more non-believers than me can at least understand where you’re coming from, because right or wrong, it’s important that we understand each other’s positions if we’re going to figure out the truth of it.
You think so?
I have a number of suggestions that would have drastically improved Q’s ability to do this job. A big one would have been not using a website that Q apparently couldn’t protect from its own administrator as the only means (“no outside comms”) of communicating with his followers.
I can understand the narrative explaining why Q might have taken the actions he did, but I hardly see any way of proving that this is the BEST possible way of carrying out this plan. It seems more like retroactive justification.
“The Plan is taking a long time, therefore, the enemy must be huge. We lose every court case on election fraud, therefore, the courts are corrupt. Our leaders deny Q or bicker with each other, so it must be optics. This Big Event with Proof was disappointing and wasn’t a BQQM, so therefore, it must have been to confuse the Deep State.”
No other reason why reality seems to reject the Q narrative every time it’s tested in an obvious, non-coded way?
Well, see my point here from earlier?
I don’t think anyone here has hard proof that the government, from head to toe, is completely compromised. That’s an enormous accusation that requires enormous proof. That requires proof of individual corruption of hundreds of thousands of people, by name.
I think it’s completely possible that an uncorrupt judge could look at a voter fraud case, decide justifiably that it didn’t come close to a good standard for evidence, and toss it out because it wasn’t a good argument. Or ruled against it. Or in other words disagreed with your evidence without corruption being an issue.
My experience has been that apparently every judge that rules against Q is corrupt, every mass shooting is a false flag, every Republican who denounces Trump is a Deep State plant, and mainstream scientist is lying for money in Q World.
But the evidence of this corruption? By and large, because “they” rule against “evidence” that you see as too strong to deny. And therefore, based on the conclusion, you seem to assume that if everyone is telling you you’re wrong, then everyone must be corrupt. Because you assume you are right.
You see how that looks to somebody from the outside? It’s circular. You are right, and therefore, you can sniff out corruption by identifying everyone who says you are wrong. Because they must be lying, because you are right.
I’m not denying that there are individual cases we can debate, but at the end of the day, nobody here has proved that “the entire government, head to toe,” is corrupt. That’s the assumption based on how many times you’ve appeared to lose, because without that assumption, then there is an equal possibility that you are wrong, because perhaps you’re the one being lied to by the people you trust.
Okay, I guess I should be clearer, since just about any military strategy is justifiable under a Sun Tzu quote.
I play a lot of chess, and watch a lot of chess, and do you know why I almost never see?
A chess game where Black sacrificed all his pawns, his queen, both bishops, both rooks, and a knight to White without White appearing to lose almost any significant pieces, and still win the game.
Do you know why appearing weak works? Because 99.999% of the time that someone appears weak, it’s because they’re weak.
And at a certain point, it doesn’t matter if you are “pretending” to be weak. When you’ve lost enough pieces on the board, the game is going to be over against anyone who knows how to play even a little.
At what point does the weakness stop being “optics” and start being a sign that maybe this Q Plan isn’t coming together with the infallible strategy that most here assume is required to be worth what you’ve sacrificed? How would you know when you see it?
And again, I feel that you are making an estimation on what kind of battle is being fought based on how much corruption there seems to be, and you decide how much corruption there is by how many people are telling you that you are wrong and Trump is wrong.
If Trump and Q are the main liars in this particular narrative about, say, election stuff, then it would mean that you are believing evidence that is being misrepresented to you. Therefore, you are not being told that you are wrong because everyone is corrupt or aligned in a secret war against you. It would just mean you were tricked into believing something untrue.
Which means Q wouldn’t be necessary, because Q supported a lie about the problem itself. It would just mean that both Trump and Q get some sort of fuzzy feeling out of telling people that they’re Great Warriors in a cool secret war that nobody can actually see or prove exists.
You know. Like a movie. As if a reality television star and a rando on the internet might potentially misrepresent reality to make themselves look cool. Couldn’t happen, right?
Has anyone considered that Q, the obvious cinephile who posts about movies constantly and whose narrative seems ripped out of a spy thriller, might have told you guys that “you’re watching a movie” as a clue that he was playing with you?
Maybe he was describing a reality based off his movies, and then told you so with double-speak? Just to see if anyone here was smart enough to catch that he was fucking with them?
If the Cabal doesn’t exist in the form implied by Q and Trump in the first place, then all of a sudden, Q’s actions take on a completely different color, don’t they?
We both agree there are corruption problems to deal with in the government, but using “do they support Trump?” as a measure of corruption seems absolutely designed to trick you into seeing everyone who disagrees with you as malevolently gaslighting you.
Here is my rhetorical question: if Trump is just a liar and a conman who fibs about how powerful his invisible enemies must be solely to make excuses for why he doesn’t always appear to be winning or a genius, exactly what would he be doing differently?
If Q was wrong or lying about all of this, and Biden was legitimately elected, what would look different than it does now, for certain? Specifically, how will you know if Q has lied to you about the Plan?
I appreciate your answers to the questions.
I've been mulling over how to respond to this post. We're fated to go in circles unless I disclose more than Anons here are willing to handle.
Things are not as they appear...
Some things, once seen, cannot be unseen.
Q tells us the Truth, but cannot disclose the full Truth. Doing so would endanger us.
Like informing us that a tiger has been stalking us as we have been trudging along through the jungle.
Us not knowing there was a tiger all along actually ensured we not panic. Knowing there was a tiger would only jeopardize our concentration and ability to act rationally.
The tiger will only pounce once it has no other option, lest the prey disperse.
Q only tells us what we have to know. The full Truth would absolutely put people in the psych ward. Considering the foe stalking us, it may just be the safer place...
If we are to go further... If you wanna know things even Anons aren't allowed to be privy to... Some of the esoteric cult nonsense I've been holding back...
Watch this movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatliners
The pseudoscience is a fantasy.
But there is a nugget within the concept.
It's the idea of what happens when the abyss stares back at you.
I've seen the abyss. Experiencing it is another thing entirely, and I hope to never experience the abyss.
I've entertained a demon in my past. It was a neutral one, and showed me Lucifer's throne. I didn't realize what I was doing. It didn't involve any rituals, sacrifices, candles, or other such nonsense...
Instead it was me simply trying to form an argument. To do so I created a foe within me. An alter-ego which had all the intellect of myself but without one single aspect to keep me from dipping into nihilism. Therefore, I entertained Nihilism, the spirit.
It was a dirty thing... Like how a painted door whose rust is peaking out from behind the paint is dirty. The rust is the true nature, in some respect. The paint chipping off reveals itself to be the dirt all along, hiding the true nature of raw, untamed metal.
It taught me a lot, but I'm not sure why...
Why am I bringing this up?
Because I know for a fact many would not be able to bounce back from that encounter like I did. Q is sparing us from a horrible experience by reserving some of this knowledge. Only those with the capacity to seek it out for themselves have a chance to understand and defend against it.
It doesn't take some freaky-deaky ritual to enter into that state of mind.
It just takes a question, posed by the Universe, to set you on a roller coaster of nihilism.
And make no mistake, it is nihilistic. Nihilism is a strange beast. Even the Satanists despise it. I dare not describe it in full here, lest I fall back under its sway. Just staring at it long enough to sketch it out is enough to fall back under the influence.
I can taste colors, and smell symmetry. My senses are all fucked up, and have been since about 7th grade when 3 months of my life disappeared from my memory as I was unable to stay awake for more than a half hour. The Menveo vaccine is likely to blame for that...
Shit is fucking weird, yo.
I'll write up a more direct response to all your arguments in due time...
Just know, its beyond exhausting having to keep up a facade of "conspiracy nut" when I know so much more about what's going on under the hood.
If people knew just how much danger Q was putting Anons in, they'd think twice about letting people discover this much all at once. I'm surprised they only allotted the declass for such a small time frame, to be honest.
The World could literally split in two because of what We the People might find out all at once.
For fear of dying to the labor pangs, a new reality cannot be birthed all in an instant. The host may very well die if convulsions don't take place.
Happy 4th of July.
Enjoy the popcorn in the sky.
What is this service?
What does it do?
Does it teach concepts that schools typically do not by intricately packaging them in ways that disguise accelerated concepts behind a facade of picture-finding and puzzle games?
How is this different than public schools?
Well, you get a batch of lesson plans all designed to teach the same concept, with no deviation, from student to student. The student is asked to meet the level of the lesson, not rely on teachers to continually dumb it down until the kid gets it.
Q's posts are the Hooked-on-Phonics equivalent of a Secret Society primer.
Every form of cryptographic messaging is utilized. From date comparisons (deltas), nested text, symbolism -- you name it.
The hardest among them is the symbolic. It's called an Acroamatic Cipher.
Where messages are disguised by their natural, symbolic interpretations.
You can take this literally, sure.
But change out the meaning of the words by using a common-sense and parable-based approach.
Bear = Something that hibernates (Sleeper agent)
Shit = Scat trail which can be tracked (Evidence)
Woods = Dense thicket that you can easily get lost in (Behind Enemy Lines)
So, a spy can inform his higher ups that one of their own is in trouble by relaying the phrase: "A bear shit in the woods."
The Spy Network will know what he means, and move appropriately.
This is what Q means with the phrase "Symbolism will be their downfall."
They've overinvested in the Acroamatic Cipher, and it's starting to break down.
When you hear about Tim Allen's yacht leaking diesel fuel...
Sure, his yacht may be leaking. But that's a likely cover for the communications. What it means, depends on the context, which is the Cipher Key. I'll leave this tangent here for now...
Q is like Hooked-on-Phonics. We're given a bunch of colorful lessons which are designed to keep the attention of ADHD minds which can't hold still long enough to stop posting about a green frog to see that they are enslaved by an ancient cult masquerading as Central Bankers.
It had to be dolled up and turned into a puzzle game, otherwise only a few of the craziest shitposters would jump on and it wouldn't go anywhere.
That's why Q reads like a LARP. Because it needed to tell a story to captivate impressionable youth who have been overstimulated by video games and social media.
Behind the flourishes and mystery lies a framework of a Secret Society primer. Emphasis on anonymity is the greatest strength.
The FBI/CIA can't infiltrate because there is nothing to infiltrate. We don't group up outside of anonymous boards and forums. We don't congregate like a cult. Which means all the Secret Society tactics of yore don't work anymore. The Secret Societies have spent centuries mastering the ability to wage war upon one another, but it requires insurgencies into their most protected castes in order to do so.
Q set up a Secret Society, with secret catch phrases with hidden meanings, but did so without the Achilles' Heel of an Overmind committee ruling everything. There's no reigns to take control of the movement. No one but Q alone can direct Anons towards anything.
Besides, even if Q did call for open kinetic rebellion like a Civil War, it wouldn't work. Anons are too skeptical.
And that's the fullness of the anonymity approach. Anons are so skeptical of any and all attempts to inject agents, that they smell from a mile away.
Anons are like ants. Ants which are blind. Ants that follow pheromones. Anons who do the research dedicate themselves to making sure everything smells right first and foremost. Then, if they look alright, then they're trusted. In other words, Anons don't only require you to walk the walk and talk the talk, but to smell like someone whos honestly sick of this corrupt bullshit.
Now, with all this said, the more I delve into the Esoterics, the more I understand what Q is attempting to do.
And also, the more I shirk at some of what the Anons here on GAW find as valuable intel.
I have a reason, but it's hard to just tell in an afternoon.
Consider it like a supercharged Butterfly Effect...
"As above, so below" is the Esoteric phrase.
If you somehow convince everyone all at once that Obama mowed down American soldiers with an AK47 before he was shipped over here and installed as President, the Natural world would reel as the "psychic" outrage of millions demand blood. It wouldn't be a Civil War. Weather and events will bend and crack in communion with the psyche of the distraught masses.
This is a Spiritual Battle.
It's why they do freaky shit like this:
Really, look at what they are doing in that article. LOOK at the crazy shit we are up against!
And you think Q folk are nuts?
Secret Societies rule the world. This is no longer widely disputed.
The only question now is "what are we gonna do about it?"
I believe Q is an attempt to teach the sheep what the farmers' methods are.
You don't have to believe that. I can't MAKE you believe that either.
Because, as far as I'm concerned, Q COULD VERY WELL BE A PSYOP.
But if that's the case, I have no doubt Trump is along with it.
And if that all is true, then the battle was over before it started. There is not action plan, no saving grace, and no option but to pray and wait for a swift death.
Short of an alternative, I have to believe Q is fighting for us in a modern Exodus event. It's the only path I see which remains optimistic.
Q is playing with us. There is no other way. People are too conditioned to respond to specific stimuli. We've been bred like dogs, and unless we hear the dog whistle, we won't bark or bite.
There is no hope in deprograming us, so the only alternative is to use the programming against the Cabal -- to hijack the reigns of control.
Some come realize they have the reigns. Others, further, aspire to grab their own reigns.
After this shit, the Covid-19 pLandemic, the "Vaccines" stopping peoples' hearts (some family friends I know have died to it), the WEF openly calling for a One-World-Government, and all the incredible gaslighting going on in the Media, you can no longer say that with a straight face.
You only have to read Schwab's book to understand exactly what they have in mind. They're so brazen, it's not like they hide any of this stuff.
I don't use the "do they support Trump" litmus test.
Instead, I listen to them speak. I look at their actions. If they say Esoteric coded messages in any capacity, I account them as suspicious.
He could be.
I trust people to act in their capacity. Is Trump currently acting President? No?
Then I don't trust him to act as a President.
As far as the conman angle goes, you have to acknowledge that every President is a conman. They don't run on their own. Someone is always pulling the strings of a President.
When, during his inauguration, he had a member from every branch of the Military come up behind him for seemingly no reason as he said "we are giving control back to you, the people" and then they immediately departed... I have to believe some degree of Military backing got him in the Oval Office. He didn't do it alone.
What is "the Plan?"
Do you know what "the Plan" is?
Because I can tell you what "the Plan" is.
It's us, the people, thinking for ourselves.
That's all "the Plan" ever was. A wakeup call for us to get off our asses and pay attention to who is pulling all the strings.
Q going away and Trump stepping down...
It's the moment where the bird tosses the youngling out of the nest.
Either we fly or we fall. There is no safety net.
We've all been trained to sniff out MSM / NWO bullshit.
If we do so effectively enough, the spells they put on humanity will be dispelled.
That's how you dispel an Evil Eye spell. It's all about the power of suggestion. Once you know the trick, it has no hold over you.
That's where I draw my confidence.
In the fact that we aren't having our hand held. We're fighting, tooth and nail, all for the Life we want to live. The Life that God gave us. It can be no other way.
I wanted to let you know that even though I didn't give a full response, I did read through everything you sent (twice). I don't always have time to respond to things that I don't have a good response for, but I didn't want you to think I ignored the work you put into explaining things, and I appreciate it. It's a good bit to add to my background for further conversations on this stuff.
I appreciate you getting back with me.
You may ask... Why is all the crazy esoteric stuff I posted relevant?
More of this is about to come into the spotlight.
This is Crimo's (Highland Park Shooter) mother's website.
Denise Pesina
Trilogy Energy Systems is committed to the wellbeing of ALL energy systems. A FULL SPECTRUM HEALING cooperative.
One person has the ability to influence innumerous lives.
Beginning with your healing, you have the ability to emit higher vibrational frequencies affecting all of those around you.
These vibrational frequencies are filled with healing energy affecting patterns of lower vibrations, thus changing thought patterns and cell consistency. The universal frequencies accessed through healing will reach a broader spectrum of space and time, opening up new levels of abilities and resources. These new levels of abundance will not only be accessible in your life, but in the lives of all of those you love, reaching ever so farther than you can imagine.
Imagine intertwining these frequencies with others on a healing path, creating a web of transformation across the universe, healing all of those who cannot heal themselves.
The Occult stuff is real. The Rosicrucians set up their current information/messaging system.
Sir Francis Bacon.
Bacon, Shakspere, and the Rosicrucians
I wouldn't have stumbled upon this if not for researching Q. How else might you discover what these nutjobs who rule the world believe in?