More donations… and for what? Remember when millions were donated to ‘Stop the Steal’, the RNC and Trump’s own campaign fund to fight election fraud? What happened to that money? Pain coming… but only if you donate within the next 30 minutes! Come on.
Trump had no say. WINRED/RNC used Trump’s name to beg for cash, but realistically that money could’ve been used for literally everything RNC related minus Trump’s legal teams.
I delete every email from WINRED using DJT and DJT Jr.’s names. I shred every mailing requesting money for every damn Republican. I used to donate monthly, but no more. When the RNC refused to support MTG and Boebert because they are two outspoken women, but support all the RINOS, the RNC can whistle a Dixie. The only one I will send money to is DJT directly. I don’t trust the RNC, DNC or any branch of local, state or Federal government.
More donations… and for what? Remember when millions were donated to ‘Stop the Steal’, the RNC and Trump’s own campaign fund to fight election fraud? What happened to that money? Pain coming… but only if you donate within the next 30 minutes! Come on.
I want the damn socks. Would make a hell of a Christmas gift
Devolutionists how do you explain this?
Trump had no say. WINRED/RNC used Trump’s name to beg for cash, but realistically that money could’ve been used for literally everything RNC related minus Trump’s legal teams.
I delete every email from WINRED using DJT and DJT Jr.’s names. I shred every mailing requesting money for every damn Republican. I used to donate monthly, but no more. When the RNC refused to support MTG and Boebert because they are two outspoken women, but support all the RINOS, the RNC can whistle a Dixie. The only one I will send money to is DJT directly. I don’t trust the RNC, DNC or any branch of local, state or Federal government.
Also, after finding this out I received a 100% refund lol.
We don't know how the money was used, might have been something critical, might still be in reserve.
Or the corrupt GOP did just pocket it 🤷♂️
Lol Yeeeea that?sounds fuck. As if normal people have any MORE money to waste these days.
I better pipe down before I’m banned again. Can’t say anything remotely critical of grifter sh-t like this.
I hear ya fren. I actually think Kash is a badass but this is odd.
It’s called Free Market Capitalism. You have the right to abstain… Kash has the right to participate.