I don't know, Paxton has led the charge on outlawing abortion and I think we finally have a supreme court that is reasserting Christian values into society. All of the depravity of the Obama-era courts that allowed gay marriage is being rightly undone now.
Gay marriage is fair enough as it's ridiculous for the law to force the church to marry people that goes against its own teachings. It's like forcing Satanists to pray to god for forgiveness. Makes no sense. Sodomy on the other hand is nobody's business in your private life, except those in your private life. Whatever happens between two consenting adults should not be the law's concern!
Well tbh churchs are still allowed to deny marriage to gays but the real sin was that the Obama court decision allowed LGBTOF4+ people to get married and recieve the same legal and tax implications as normal couples. That is the sinfulness that this court is eradicating.
As for how sodomy enforcement works? I think deterrence will work best, just like abortion. When we find guilty parties we punish with maximal efficiency. This is how we take back our country.
Nah. I think that's a step backwards that would end in resentment. I'd stand by them as I don't think the state should ever enter the lives of private individuals unless they are fucking kids. State should not get involved with the private lives of others. As for the tax implications, I think it's a bit more complex. At the end of the day. How's it any of your business unless they want help with their homosexuality from you? (not having a go btw just in case it sounds like that). I find it to be a sin of morality and religion, not of law. It's like saying we should arrest folk for lying, gossiping or for attention seeking which are also wrong in Christianity. It just goes backwards into another big brother state, except this would be with extremely religious overtones.
I don't know, Paxton has led the charge on outlawing abortion and I think we finally have a supreme court that is reasserting Christian values into society. All of the depravity of the Obama-era courts that allowed gay marriage is being rightly undone now.
Gay marriage is fair enough as it's ridiculous for the law to force the church to marry people that goes against its own teachings. It's like forcing Satanists to pray to god for forgiveness. Makes no sense. Sodomy on the other hand is nobody's business in your private life, except those in your private life. Whatever happens between two consenting adults should not be the law's concern!
Well tbh churchs are still allowed to deny marriage to gays but the real sin was that the Obama court decision allowed LGBTOF4+ people to get married and recieve the same legal and tax implications as normal couples. That is the sinfulness that this court is eradicating.
As for how sodomy enforcement works? I think deterrence will work best, just like abortion. When we find guilty parties we punish with maximal efficiency. This is how we take back our country.
Nah. I think that's a step backwards that would end in resentment. I'd stand by them as I don't think the state should ever enter the lives of private individuals unless they are fucking kids. State should not get involved with the private lives of others. As for the tax implications, I think it's a bit more complex. At the end of the day. How's it any of your business unless they want help with their homosexuality from you? (not having a go btw just in case it sounds like that). I find it to be a sin of morality and religion, not of law. It's like saying we should arrest folk for lying, gossiping or for attention seeking which are also wrong in Christianity. It just goes backwards into another big brother state, except this would be with extremely religious overtones.
Get rid of any government benefits for married couples