GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure that's bisexual. But then again.... media seems to love those in denial

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well. There was an accusation that her and Ghislaine recruited children for Jeffery Epstein. Idk if it's true or not

GRETAWAKENINGM 3 points ago +3 / -0

She was in good health. I know many elderly folk who wouldn't let a staircase stop them rom living somewhere. I'll be honest. I haven't looked much into her death and it seems suspicious to me. But imagine the government convicted on suspicion. Would be pretty dumb. It's not like she hung herself and blasted her torso with a shotgun. A fall/push is difficult to determine if she was pushed and done by a semi-professional. I don't know what to think on this. But I will look into it

GRETAWAKENINGM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine seeing this. I would be courteous enough to turn up. But fucking petrified at the same time

GRETAWAKENINGM 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kinda want to do it now to piss him off and leave a message for him. "Trump is love.... Trump is life...!"

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm... I'd probs need to know more about the transformer. I have just never seen one go off like this

GRETAWAKENINGM 6 points ago +6 / -0

Possible. But we can never be too sure. We do have to remember that people may have private health matters or are struggling with something different and that not every death is a direct result of the cabal. Saying which, I do find the timing to be peculiar

GRETAWAKENINGM 2 points ago +2 / -0

A blown transformer wouldn't smoke up like that. Might be an accident but that's not the truth

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's been a lot of speculation and predictive programming theories about the hoover dam bursting open. It's been a target for quite some time. I'm guessing whatever was planned may have failed but we don't know unless they start evacuating or it just bursts and floods

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel you buddy. Just remember that there could be a very good reason as to why they might be messing around with them. Creating a cloud of confusion for the enemy requires a bit of "messing around"

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem isn't the MSM putting out false information. It's the fact that people aren't challenging the projected story and calling out these corporations when they lie and when they do, it is of no effect. The idea of "cutting off from fake news" is subjective due to the media twisting that term as any media that is not coming from their lips or letters. I hate when people use these matrix semantics, because it appears from those who are absorbing media like a sponge, as something of fiction. People aren't dumb when they begin to challenge what they are being told. My dad said from a very young age to question everything that I'm taught. That's why I'm here today. I read watch and listen MSM media all the time. But I question and think about the narrative, agenda, propaganda... that it's trying to subject me into believing or thinking. Mainstream articles can be very useful in catching them out in their own webs of lies. We are in an information war as they say and truth is the greatest weapon in this. Shouldn't we be challenging everything we are being fed in terms of media? Whether you believe it to be telling you the truth or not? Let's say the sovereign patriots wins (which I believe they will) and they become the new leaders. Shouldn't their media under the state remain under the same scrutiny, and for a free people to question everything they are being taught and educated in? Or do we now cut that media off as it's "Mainstream media"???

GRETAWAKENINGM 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah. I witnessed that. All his deleted tweets and previous tweets are archived. Surprised nobody has used that as the defining proof

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the normal awakened mind can easily establish propaganda for themselves. Otherwise, your a gullible fool. People must think for themselves. Not have others think for them

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I care. People have different ways of discerning truth for themselves. And if other people may think this is relevant in their analysis, then why not share and post it? Drawing your media from just one side will leave you arrogant and unwilling to accept truths you disagree with. So if unruly wants to post it, let unruly do that. Most of us can discern for ourselves what is and isn't bullshit. I don't need parrots screaming at me, what is and isn't the truth from sometimes... very inaccurate sources.

GRETAWAKENINGM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk. I'll try do some more research and forward it to you

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need something more than tweets to confirm. Maybe ask Q to get POTUS to say something as confirmation. Then we can determine that it's genuine

GRETAWAKENINGM 6 points ago +6 / -0

His account was suspended so at least somebody recognised this insanity

GRETAWAKENINGM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could just be CP and not related to the real hunter Biden leaks as a scheme to ensnare. Best just to avoid! I think we've all seen enough of what's been public from the leaks

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