Disagree, if you serve, there is a chance at any time you will be/can be called into dangerous situations. Even when you don't leave the US, you can be killed in a training accident. You take the oath knowing you are willing to give your life for your country/freedom. It's a sacrifice to join the armed forces. You don't get to choose many things in your life.
Folks in the back lines (REMFs) can still be killed by - say, a SCUD attack (Desert Storm), an artillery barrage, sappers infiltrating your base (Vietnam), your lines being overrun (Korea), etc.
This happened to me (base attacked during Desert Storm). We also had a terrorist incident (1991) where Islamic Jihad blew up one of our guys and his active duty wife was blown out (but lived) in a car bombing. At the exact time the Egyptian ambassador downtown was killed by the same group. Interesting 18 months for me.
Disagree, if you serve, there is a chance at any time you will be/can be called into dangerous situations. Even when you don't leave the US, you can be killed in a training accident. You take the oath knowing you are willing to give your life for your country/freedom. It's a sacrifice to join the armed forces. You don't get to choose many things in your life.
Agree 100%.
Folks in the back lines (REMFs) can still be killed by - say, a SCUD attack (Desert Storm), an artillery barrage, sappers infiltrating your base (Vietnam), your lines being overrun (Korea), etc.
This happened to me (base attacked during Desert Storm). We also had a terrorist incident (1991) where Islamic Jihad blew up one of our guys and his active duty wife was blown out (but lived) in a car bombing. At the exact time the Egyptian ambassador downtown was killed by the same group. Interesting 18 months for me.