I worked in DC as a low level federal agency administrative assistant/research for years, and trust me the SCOTUS WV v. EPA Ruling ROCKS THE CASBAH - Bigger Win Than Roe End imho
⚠️Seizure warning⚠️

Congress has never passed a law making global warming standards on any outputs. So CO2 controls, forced limits on nitrogen, carbon, "green house gases," etc. - the whole Dem assault on the US Energy industry dies because Congress never made a law instituting it. The federal code addresses pollutants but not components naturally occurring in the atmosphere. We have Congressional law on pollution - certain ones are explicitly illegal obviously. None of them have anything to do with the fabricated hysteria from global warming mania nutters gluing themselves to highways. Suddenly the GOP in Congress got a lot more power because the GOP can block any trending made up leftist socialist foreign funded soft war attack on US energy and food production now.
So add the USDA, the FCC, the FDA, the CDC, HHS - anything that is NOT a law by passed by the Congress is simply falsely predicated. The deep state loses a lot of ground.
So that means every state that brings a lawsuit against those federal agencies, can diminish their power? Am I right?
Or even a letter of complaint to the agency and/or the Inspec. Gen. that regulates that agency. They have their own websites, the IGs, and are totally independent of the agency. So it will take time but if you hated say how the fed rules on your farm were forced on you, you could line item by item request that the IG review if the agency even has that authority to demand compliance with their nonlegal unsupported rulemaking.
Thanks for saying letter of complaint, i was looking for that term. The OH legislature did that recently regarding EPA and emissions tests on vehicles. In Ohio it only effects 7 counties out of 80. Its bullshit. I hope the near future doesnt have emissions testing on vehicles.
So every person or company fined or charged with violating this garbage can sue?
Thanks so much for clarifying the SCOTUS ruling
Gregg Phillips makes a great comment - Since the FBI was created by EO, is it valid now? There is a fair amount of Admin Law/Exec Branch agencies that were not made by Congress.
WOW, that's news to me about the FBI was created by an EO! DAMN, did not know that!
Homeland security as well I think. By Bush jr.
How will this affect the DEA? Drug control act of 1970? I'm guessing 'not much'.