Craig Wright is a high IQ fraud. He self-publishes math papers that are pure gibberish, probably computer generated, but he managed to confuse a lot of people. He also appears to be working with some intelligence agency.
The fracturing of Bitcoin into Bitcoin Cash then Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond and Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision (Wright's) and more was the result of a civil war in bitcoin, between those that said Bitcoin was digital cash like it said in the original whitepaper (most of the freedom types) and those that said Bitcoin was digital gold, that you shouldn't spend it, and that letting more people use it would compromise the scarcity of Bitcoin. The digital gold people were largely repeating the talking points put forth by Blockstream (block the stream of transactions), a company that some of the bitcoin developers suddenly formed around the open source software of Bitcoin after pushing out the others, a company that suddenly got a $75m investment from AXA Ventures without a publicly shared business model. The CEO of AXA at the time was Charles d'Henri, who also happened to be the chairman of the Bilderberg group. The slogan that was repeated endlessly throughout the censored Bitcoin forums and the color revolutions on twitter was simple, like a magic spell.
"Bitcoin can't scale"
Of course, they never managed to produce actual technical arguments for this beyond hand waving and endlessly bikeshedding ineffective "solutions" (segwit) but it didn't matter, because they were social engineers first, software engineers second. Talking over peoples heads in condescending tones, only communicating on obscure email threads, constantly making new terms for irrelevant distinctions, writing code in a style difficult to read maintain or audit, it took a lot of attention to figure out what was going on.
And of course there are actual scaling challenges for the tech, but they were blown way out of proportion and the solutions that Blockstream offered were actually weapons meant to slow or reverse adoption of Bitcoin.
The whole thing has been an epic fight to watch. Watching it up close made me realize just how sophisticated the deep state's social engineering skills are. They ran circles around the autistic idealistic in-it-for-the-right-reasons types. And of course, the cabal wasn't going to just give up their trillion dollar banking empire just like that. It's like Satoshi said
"This is not a silver bullet. It just buys us some time."
IMHO Bitcoin is part of The Plan. The great reset doesn't work if you don't have a monopoly. People will just opt out.
Bitcoin Cash had the right intention I believe, but they've been repeatedly targeted by successful divide and conquer campaigns and have been forked multiple times because of this. BSV actually was the result of one of these campaigns.
In any case, the cat is out of the bag. They can't uninvent Bitcoin / blockchain, so they are trying to control and co-opt it while discouraging freedom fighters from using it.
Craig Wright is a high IQ fraud. He self-publishes math papers that are pure gibberish, probably computer generated, but he managed to confuse a lot of people. He also appears to be working with some intelligence agency.
The fracturing of Bitcoin into Bitcoin Cash then Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond and Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision (Wright's) and more was the result of a civil war in bitcoin, between those that said Bitcoin was digital cash like it said in the original whitepaper (most of the freedom types) and those that said Bitcoin was digital gold, that you shouldn't spend it, and that letting more people use it would compromise the scarcity of Bitcoin. The digital gold people were largely repeating the talking points put forth by Blockstream (block the stream of transactions), a company that some of the bitcoin developers suddenly formed around the open source software of Bitcoin after pushing out the others, a company that suddenly got a $75m investment from AXA Ventures without a publicly shared business model. The CEO of AXA at the time was Charles d'Henri, who also happened to be the chairman of the Bilderberg group. The slogan that was repeated endlessly throughout the censored Bitcoin forums and the color revolutions on twitter was simple, like a magic spell.
"Bitcoin can't scale"
Of course, they never managed to produce actual technical arguments for this beyond hand waving and endlessly bikeshedding ineffective "solutions" (segwit) but it didn't matter, because they were social engineers first, software engineers second. Talking over peoples heads in condescending tones, only communicating on obscure email threads, constantly making new terms for irrelevant distinctions, writing code in a style difficult to read maintain or audit, it took a lot of attention to figure out what was going on.
And of course there are actual scaling challenges for the tech, but they were blown way out of proportion and the solutions that Blockstream offered were actually weapons meant to slow or reverse adoption of Bitcoin.
The whole thing has been an epic fight to watch. Watching it up close made me realize just how sophisticated the deep state's social engineering skills are. They ran circles around the autistic idealistic in-it-for-the-right-reasons types. And of course, the cabal wasn't going to just give up their trillion dollar banking empire just like that. It's like Satoshi said
"This is not a silver bullet. It just buys us some time."
IMHO Bitcoin is part of The Plan. The great reset doesn't work if you don't have a monopoly. People will just opt out.
I wish I paid attention to the forums at that time, but thatnks for sharing this insightful response.
So is there any Bitcoin fork that is still loyal to the original Satoshi's vision?
Bitcoin Cash had the right intention I believe, but they've been repeatedly targeted by successful divide and conquer campaigns and have been forked multiple times because of this. BSV actually was the result of one of these campaigns.
In any case, the cat is out of the bag. They can't uninvent Bitcoin / blockchain, so they are trying to control and co-opt it while discouraging freedom fighters from using it.