To be fair, this has come up before and we had one of our Jewish frens clarify...
His take was this passage is not a HOW TO manual, but instead to offer hope for the purity of those children who are abused under any circumstance.
I'm no Talmudic scholar (lol, I'm no scholar at all) so FWIW. And regardless, I'm sure the text has, at least once, been twisted to provide justification for Evil Men.
Sorry, there are plenty of pro-life Israelies and Jews who disagree:
Source or gtfo
To be fair, this has come up before and we had one of our Jewish frens clarify...
His take was this passage is not a HOW TO manual, but instead to offer hope for the purity of those children who are abused under any circumstance.
I'm no Talmudic scholar (lol, I'm no scholar at all) so FWIW. And regardless, I'm sure the text has, at least once, been twisted to provide justification for Evil Men.
Just more data / another viewpoint.