Though their web address still says GhostRifles though.
Grid Defense is also registered at 828 S. Nova Rd. Not Bill France Blvd.
The address featured on the letter. 836 Bill France Blvd. at least when punched into Google Maps. Shows what appears to be an empty undeveloped lot at least when using the Satellite overlay.
I also haven’t had much luck locating a Joe Zatar. At least one associated with Grid Defense.
Open corporates list the company as having been incorporated in 2019. With a Nader B. Meqdad serving as company president. Again with both the Headquarters Address and mailing address being 828 S. Nova Rd.
It also seems they don’t maintain much of a social media presence again at least one I could find. Aside from maybe an Instagram. Though I can’t reliably verify its link to the company as I don’t have an account.
I haven’t been able to verify the Brownell information either. But no warning or notice appears to have been posted on their main website. At least one I could find at any rate. Nor has their Twitter or Pinterest appear to have been updated to include a notice. I can’t check their Instagram without an account.
Apparently the only thing updated was their Facebook. Which I can’t check either as I don’t have an account. But common sense you’d think would dictate that if something like that happened and a major shipper terminated your accounts and was destroying product in route. That you’d update most of your social media and include a notice on your website to ensure all your customers were aware.
Just the information I managed to dig up that I found a bit odd about the whole affair. The reaction to the development of UPS closing accounts seems to have been a bit odd for both companies. But that’s neither here nor there. People just sometimes react to things differently then expected.
Pisses me off. Who do they think they are confiscating goods which were bought and paid for by hard working Americans. Maybe those hard working Americans ought to go to the Board of Directors homes and confiscate good from those houses???? Naw, I have another idea about how to treat traitors within American borders, but I'm sure a CIA official is watching these posts, thus I'll keep my thought to myself. Have a good day, Langley.
Bad but not as dank as trying to cover up how they drove thousands and thousands of fraudulent ballots across state lines to help the Deep State rig the election.... or was that only the post office?
Having looked at the article in question.
GhostFirearms no longer exists the company changed names in 2018 to Grid Defense.
Though their web address still says GhostRifles though.
Grid Defense is also registered at 828 S. Nova Rd. Not Bill France Blvd.
The address featured on the letter. 836 Bill France Blvd. at least when punched into Google Maps. Shows what appears to be an empty undeveloped lot at least when using the Satellite overlay.
I also haven’t had much luck locating a Joe Zatar. At least one associated with Grid Defense.
Open corporates list the company as having been incorporated in 2019. With a Nader B. Meqdad serving as company president. Again with both the Headquarters Address and mailing address being 828 S. Nova Rd.
It also seems they don’t maintain much of a social media presence again at least one I could find. Aside from maybe an Instagram. Though I can’t reliably verify its link to the company as I don’t have an account.
I haven’t been able to verify the Brownell information either. But no warning or notice appears to have been posted on their main website. At least one I could find at any rate. Nor has their Twitter or Pinterest appear to have been updated to include a notice. I can’t check their Instagram without an account.
Apparently the only thing updated was their Facebook. Which I can’t check either as I don’t have an account. But common sense you’d think would dictate that if something like that happened and a major shipper terminated your accounts and was destroying product in route. That you’d update most of your social media and include a notice on your website to ensure all your customers were aware.
Just the information I managed to dig up that I found a bit odd about the whole affair. The reaction to the development of UPS closing accounts seems to have been a bit odd for both companies. But that’s neither here nor there. People just sometimes react to things differently then expected.
Fed Ex it is! Don't give ups a dime.
Pisses me off. Who do they think they are confiscating goods which were bought and paid for by hard working Americans. Maybe those hard working Americans ought to go to the Board of Directors homes and confiscate good from those houses???? Naw, I have another idea about how to treat traitors within American borders, but I'm sure a CIA official is watching these posts, thus I'll keep my thought to myself. Have a good day, Langley.
Pretty F’ING outraged... but that’s pretty much been my normal state since 11/3/20...
Big brother-censoring products on your behalf and stealing your money.
Start insuring it for large amounts of money. Get paid to fight.
Bad but not as dank as trying to cover up how they drove thousands and thousands of fraudulent ballots across state lines to help the Deep State rig the election.... or was that only the post office?