posted ago by TangerineShine ago by TangerineShine +18 / -1

Bolsonaro has truly shown he is based. Why would Bolsonaro enter into a partnership with India, China and Russia if he had the slightest sense that they were evil and wanted to establish “global governance”.

I believe this “BRICS” thing is likely an actual end to the “new world order”

This is why George Soros was urging coups in both China and Russia.

Trump didn’t need to become good friends with Putin and Xi. He needed to form a strong bond with Bolsonaro, while somehow drawing the globalist firepower away from Bolsonaro. By successfully pulling it off, he is able to show us what he would do if he were in power, unmolested by the deep state.

I believe this illustrates that China may not be what we’ve been lead to believe.

I always want to clarify. I do not support communism, I do not support putting people in slave labor or concentration camps. If these things are true, which it seems they likely are, I would never give this behavior a pass.

I’m just saying that this BRICS thing is significant. We know who Bolsonaro is.

This just tells me that the whole brainwashing by MSM has been incredibly powerful.