Because it doesn't even make any sense. The globalists want their statue that reads about depopulation to peak public interest and blow up their own monument? We don't even know the real identity of the guy that commissioned it, yet the police is looking for the guy who destroyed it? What are they going to do about it. Charge a man for destroying property of a mystery man? So the globalists are making themselves out to be a victim for whom? The liberals don't believe in a globalist occult and those who do are very likely to oppose it. Then the number 76 is added for no reason. If you wrote this, wtf? If not.... wtf?
There would be the crime of vandalism except, nobody knows who commissioned it. Therefore, the person would have to reveal their anonymity in order to press charges
Instinct and it never fails me much. Makes no sense to draw even more attention to globalhomo,and this is burning up the web at least on the places I go.
Do NOT discount our victories. Not everything is under "their" control anymore. Why the f* would they blow up the main monument to their agenda, attracting even more attention to what the stones said and waking up even more people ?
Next, if we'd see EBS start up and they started hanging HRC, Fauci and Pelosi live while exposing all the Epstein Island footage for everyone to see and you'd still call it a "distraction."
The whole point of these secret societies is to remain secret. The last thing they want is people talking about them. They have never been so exposed. There is no way they would shine the spotlight on themselves at this moment in history.
Don't buy it.
Will you share why you don't buy it? I'm not sure what to think -- trying to make it make sense. :)
Because it doesn't even make any sense. The globalists want their statue that reads about depopulation to peak public interest and blow up their own monument? We don't even know the real identity of the guy that commissioned it, yet the police is looking for the guy who destroyed it? What are they going to do about it. Charge a man for destroying property of a mystery man? So the globalists are making themselves out to be a victim for whom? The liberals don't believe in a globalist occult and those who do are very likely to oppose it. Then the number 76 is added for no reason. If you wrote this, wtf? If not.... wtf?
There would be the crime of vandalism except, nobody knows who commissioned it. Therefore, the person would have to reveal their anonymity in order to press charges
Instinct and it never fails me much. Makes no sense to draw even more attention to globalhomo,and this is burning up the web at least on the places I go.
Instinct is good. Aren't these big stories usually distractions though -- why would this one be any different?
It's distracting people from bidens moneypox vax program announced today......
Why would they want normies looking up what the Stones are?
Do NOT discount our victories. Not everything is under "their" control anymore. Why the f* would they blow up the main monument to their agenda, attracting even more attention to what the stones said and waking up even more people ?
Next, if we'd see EBS start up and they started hanging HRC, Fauci and Pelosi live while exposing all the Epstein Island footage for everyone to see and you'd still call it a "distraction."
Yeah, no
The whole point of these secret societies is to remain secret. The last thing they want is people talking about them. They have never been so exposed. There is no way they would shine the spotlight on themselves at this moment in history.
7/6/22 adding to 17 is more compelling. Skull and Bones were Order 322.