Not gonna lie, I hated the totalitarian style of control when I was in the military
(late 70s, USAF.
If you enlist, they make sure you know you are a wholly owned piece of meaty machinery with zero rights and less than zero value as a human. My dad the career army officer sorta forgot to tell me that part when I told him I was thinking of enlisting. Shoulda gone to college for a couple years, gotten a degree, then joined if I still wanted to.
Good on this guy (an officer, but still :) for getting past the bullshit.
Enlisted don't stand a chance, most likely, in the face of the vax monster.
Except I'm too stubborn and relentless in the questioning of incoming info. I can't even be hypnotized when I WANT it, to help break a bad habit. Even employers sometimes can't take the constant barrage of inquiry, so I have to throttle it back. Attempting to brainwash a person like this would be a colossal waste of time.
Not gonna lie, I hated the totalitarian style of control when I was in the military (late 70s, USAF.
If you enlist, they make sure you know you are a wholly owned piece of meaty machinery with zero rights and less than zero value as a human. My dad the career army officer sorta forgot to tell me that part when I told him I was thinking of enlisting. Shoulda gone to college for a couple years, gotten a degree, then joined if I still wanted to.
Good on this guy (an officer, but still :) for getting past the bullshit.
Enlisted don't stand a chance, most likely, in the face of the vax monster.
Thank you for your service. It is something I could never do as a woman.
So a Board of Inquiry is a pretty big deal but at the end of the day if you are in the right they will abstain from further action.
They do try to pressure you with everything before you get to that board though.
Source: Been there as enlisted. Good on Lt. Soto
Then you most likely would have been a brainwashed drooling communist right now. I'm quite sure you did the right decision,
Except I'm too stubborn and relentless in the questioning of incoming info. I can't even be hypnotized when I WANT it, to help break a bad habit. Even employers sometimes can't take the constant barrage of inquiry, so I have to throttle it back. Attempting to brainwash a person like this would be a colossal waste of time.