The backlash for what they did is going to biblically, incalculably huge. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Robinette was the only Democrat left in DC after this.
Until they correct the electronic voting "issues", I'm not holding my breath. Not dooming, just not looking at the situation through rose-colored glasses any longer.
You know, that’s all we have in Oregon. Mail in ballots and drop boxes. You wonder why this state went so far Left into the absurd….?! Yeah. They cheat, that’s why.
"Election maladministration" - (generally, the implementation of illegally-formulated election rules and procedures for 2020 and thereafter plus violations of actual/real election rules, procedures and laws) might be the hook that brings down the stolen/fraudulent 2020 and 2022 election houses per Jovan Pulitzer because there is precedent for redoing a maladaministered election in NY
49 entire states could collectively do this and Jean-Pierre would stand at her podium talking about how they have not had time to review the findings while Biden hides and runs the clock.
The problem is mail in ballots, not the box they are placed in. Any ballot put into those illegal boxes could have been and can still be placed in the US Postal Service mailbox. Elections will remain insecure until they are handled in person, with government issued photographic ID, and blockchain receipts that allow a voter to check that their vote was correctly recorded for the candidate it as cast it for. Until that happens they can cook the books and you'll never be able to prove it without a Court order which they won't ever give you.
Now do 4 more States and decertify....
The backlash for what they did is going to biblically, incalculably huge. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Robinette was the only Democrat left in DC after this.
People are pissed offfff, and rightly.
I was pissed on November 9th 2020, and now I've run the whole gamut of emotions.
Until they correct the electronic voting "issues", I'm not holding my breath. Not dooming, just not looking at the situation through rose-colored glasses any longer.
You know, that’s all we have in Oregon. Mail in ballots and drop boxes. You wonder why this state went so far Left into the absurd….?! Yeah. They cheat, that’s why.
Same in WA.
Colorado is a shithole mail in state.
Same in Calif
They won't care. They don't care about the truth, only the narrative.
The narrative is going to change
It'll be slower than we like but you don't want to give them heart attacks do you? DO YOU!!??
YES. And a number of them are close family.
I WILL Pray for them - but the evil things they have said about myself and my bride were / are despicable.
Yes, it already is shifting.
"Election maladministration" - (generally, the implementation of illegally-formulated election rules and procedures for 2020 and thereafter plus violations of actual/real election rules, procedures and laws) might be the hook that brings down the stolen/fraudulent 2020 and 2022 election houses per Jovan Pulitzer because there is precedent for redoing a maladaministered election in NY
If it's not retro-active and cancels the result, then it doesn't matter.
49 entire states could collectively do this and Jean-Pierre would stand at her podium talking about how they have not had time to review the findings while Biden hides and runs the clock.
They'll off the judge to send a lesson.
The problem is mail in ballots, not the box they are placed in. Any ballot put into those illegal boxes could have been and can still be placed in the US Postal Service mailbox. Elections will remain insecure until they are handled in person, with government issued photographic ID, and blockchain receipts that allow a voter to check that their vote was correctly recorded for the candidate it as cast it for. Until that happens they can cook the books and you'll never be able to prove it without a Court order which they won't ever give you.