Be careful with this Hunter Biden material off 4chan, folks (JustHuman)
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That's why I NEVER (unless through a very rare careless accident) leave my laptop wifi connection going if I'm not sitting at the laptop. Not just FBI, or CIA, could plant CP, but all sorts of people could, with the right capabilities. I think it would be very difficult (and hopefully nearly impossible) for them to do if you are on your computer, and have anti-virus software running while you are on it, but maybe I'm just naive.
They would be able to do so, invisibly, even if you were actively using your computer.
Can they implant it if your computer is not on?
That’s a very complex question. For example, if you turn off an iPhone, it’s still on, just in a low power state. If you turn off a mac, same thing.
Depending on what kind of software they have, they most likely could take advantage of that type of thing to allow for communication with your system when it is “off, but that would probably require there to already be something on your system.
I can’t know how advanced or complex their software is, nor know if they have back doors built in to generally distributed OSes or hardware.
So, in summary, it is possible, as long as power is available to a system, for that system to be attacked in some way. If you have a desktop computer, and you’re super paranoid, you could unplug it.
Well now you've gone and removed my false sense of security :)
Sorry about that 😬
Never really thought on that, but...yep. Good idea to not just leave the thing running unprotected.