This is the look of quiet desperation. A cry for help, hoping someone takes note of the book she's reading. "Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite" #FreeNatalieBiden
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Pregnant with Hunters kid. Not even joking.
Is she prego in this pic?
Next question: is it Hunter’s kid?
yes and yes
A p.w thread with a bit of timeline speculation on what has happened, and where things are going. Tying to the laptop repairs, the marriage breakdowns, many of the biden lore reveals.
Among the discussion of Natalie being pregnant to Hunter was the claims that she skipped a year of school for no explained reason, and then Hunter turns up with a kid out of the blue with his new wife.
Is it just her shirt or is she pregnant?
I remember this pic. Strange. I feel bad for her
Sheesh. I feel for her.
She's definitely looking preggers. Poor kid. How did her mom allow this? Are all these people fucking their kids and were they all fucked by their parents as kids? WTAF? Do we need to exterminate entire lineages? Jeez.
I feel for this girl. It's because we have a moral compass that allows us to have compassion for someone in a situation like this. I believe she got pregnant by Hunter. That is soo messed up. These people really and truly, are SICK.
If you haven’t read Clinton Cash, you should.
So, is she his niece?
This is his brothers daughter, right?
who is this girl?
Hunter's niece. She's pregnant with his baby.
I know trailer trash with more class, when your baby is your auntie too...