The Liberty Bell's inscription is from the Bible (King James version): "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof." This verse refers to the "Jubilee", or the instructions to the Israelites to return property and free slaves every 50 years. Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly Isaac Norris chose this inscription for the State House bell in 1751, possibly to commemorate the 50th anniversary of William Penn's 1701 Charter of Privileges which granted religious liberties and political self-government to the people of Pennsylvania. The inscription of liberty on the State House bell (now known as the Liberty Bell) went unnoticed during the Revolutionary War. After the war, abolitionists seeking to end slavery in America were inspired by the bell's message.
Here you go!
Thank you!
And the liberty bell.
You just wake up? lol
? Was this posted already?
A couple times
Click on the "+" next to "History", then use "previous" to toggle thru previous days. Enjoy.
Thank you!
And the number 2
Now it shows the liberty bell off to the left, and an outline of the U.S. with the numbers 2 & 6 inside the outline.
What does the 2 & 6 mean?
Oh, thanks!
maybe something, maybe not ...
Oh! I just realized the 2 & 6 = 26 days aloft as of today, duh!
Anyone else now seeing UK/26........
Yes, I see U K 6