Bannon great speech from Oxford (the prestigious university) just after he left the Trump cabinet, good to listen to while you do other stuff, about China and it's influence. If you are a finance guy, or like listening to things about the fed/money system it's a great talk. It's been a while but I found it and wanted to post it:
The article I pulled it from, UPROXX, seems to be viral news bits for normies:
Was rewritten from basically a transcription of the show over on MediaIte, which I was suprised to find was a nice conservative-leaning news site:
Bannon great speech from Oxford (the prestigious university) just after he left the Trump cabinet, good to listen to while you do other stuff, about China and it's influence. If you are a finance guy, or like listening to things about the fed/money system it's a great talk. It's been a while but I found it and wanted to post it:
I'd love it if he could somehow legally swing a livestream, while the committee does their TV edited tape-delay version.
Get Project Veritas to wire him up with spy shit before his J6 testimony.
While the media produce their spin, drop the raw footage online for all the world to see.
Check mate.
Wait for the signal. Ignore the noise. Or listen for the signal. It's been awhile.
Bannon just says “signal not noise”
Fuck look at that guy I would not like to meet him down a dark alley. Or a well-lit one. Hope he sticks it to the unselect committee.
So don't be vain, and don't be whiny, or else my brother I might have to get medieval on your hiney!
I'll pray for you. Become the lion and rear bitch.
There's no way they'll have him testify.